Saint Alexander of Bergamo (died c. 303) is the patron saint of Bergamo, as well as Capriate San Gervasio and Cervignano d'Adda.
He was imprisoned again, but Alexander once again managed to escape, and ended up in Bergamo after passing through Fara Gera d'Adda and Capriate San Gervasio.
Alexander the Great | Alexander Pope | Bergamo | Alexander | Alexander Graham Bell | Alexander Calder | Alexander Pushkin | Alexander von Humboldt | Alexander I of Russia | Alexander II of Russia | Alexander Hamilton | Alexander McQueen | Alexander II | Pope Alexander III | Jason Alexander | Alexander I | Alexander Korda | Alexander McCall Smith | Pope Alexander VI | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation | Alexander III of Russia | Alexander Alekhine | Alexander Mackenzie | Alexander Haig | Alexander Frey | Lloyd Alexander | Alexander Scriabin | Alexander III | Alexander Fleming | Alexander Borodin |