However despite this in late 2005, Transport Minister Alistair Darling said that he would not give the go-ahead for the scheme, despite £40 million having already been spent into the development of the scheme.
Local MP Richard Bacon also joined in the campaign, lobbying Transport Secretary Alistair Darling and Roads Minister Stephen Ladyman for a change in the decision.
In October 2006, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Alistair Darling announced the establishment of the NNL, to be based on Nexia Solutions and the British Technology Centre at Sellafield.
Darling Downs | Darling | Darling River | Darling Harbour | Alistair Edwards | Alistair Darling | Alistair Cooke | Alistair Begg | Ron Darling | Ralph Darling | Darling Lili | Alistair McGowan | Darling Scarp | Miss MacIntosh, My Darling | Linda Darling-Hammond | Frank Fraser Darling | Darling Point | Alistair MacLean | Dennis Darling | Darling Violetta | Alistair Graham | Alistair Beaton | Tonique Williams-Darling | My Darling is a Foreigner | Move Over, Darling | Merry Christmas Darling | Maria Darling | John Darling (comic strip) | John Darling | Joe Darling |
The discrepancy between the 29 proposed bills in the Legislative Programme and the 30 bills listed below is caused by the Banking (Special Provisions) Act 2008, which was introduced as emergency legislation by Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling in February 2008 in order to nationalise Northern Rock.
Paul Krugman the Nobel Prize winner for Economics stated in his New York Times column that "Mr Brown and Alistair Darling, the Chancellor of the Exchequer have defined the character of the worldwide rescue effort, with other wealthy nations playing catch-up."
Past speakers include the former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown along with members of the Shadow Cabinet Ian Murray and Douglas Alexander, all former members of the Club and University alumni, as well as ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling, leader of the Scottish Labour Party Johann Lamont, Kezia Dugdale MSP and Andrew Burns, leader of Edinburgh City Council.
The show features interviews with some of the UK's leading business, financial and political figures, with past guests including the billionaire tycoon Philip Green, and former Chancellor Alistair Darling.