The series of paintings "Allegory" 1979-2002 was much more figurative and picturesque.
Subjects to be embroidered were influenced by Victorian Romanticism and included floral designs, Victorian paintings, biblical or allegorical motifs, and quotations such as "Home Sweet Home" or "Faith, Hope, Love".
His Liber formularum spiritalis intelligentiae addressed to his son Veranius is a defence of the lawfulness of reading an allegorical sense in Scripture, bringing to bear the metaphors in Psalms and such phrases as "the hand of God" The term anagoge (ἀναγωγὴ) is employed for the application of Scripture to the heavenly Jerusalem to come, and there are other examples of what would become classic Medieval hermeneutics.
In both Joseph the Carpenter and The Education of the Virgin, the young Christ is represented, hand raised, as if in benediction, with the candlelight shining through the flesh as an allegorical reference to Christ as the "Light of the World."
From 1619 he participated in the decoration in the Long Hall at Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen with 7 or 8 large allegorical paintings of which only one, Unge mænd brydes på en bro, is signed while the others are attributed.
allegory | Allegory | The Allegory of Good and Bad Government | Plato's Allegory of the Cave by Jan Saenredam | ''Le Silence'', Allegory of Poilu | ''Landscape with a Huntsman and Dead Game (Allegory of the Sense of Smell)'' (National Galleries of Scotland | '''Injustice''', one in a series of allegory | ''Allegory of the Concordat of 1801'', by Pierre Joseph Célestin François | ''Allegory of the Bug River'', a statue on the terrace of the Palace on the Island in Łazienki Palace | ''Allegory of Salvation'' by Antonius Heusler | Allegory in the Middle Ages |
The frontispiece features her depiction, the first donor portrait in the history of manuscript illumination, flanked by the personifications of Magnanimity and Prudence, with an allegory of the "Gratitude of the Arts" prostrate in front of her.
Under the French Consulate and the First French Empire he painted several more allegories, including an Allégorie du dix-huit brumaire ou la France sauvée (Allegory of 18 Brumaire, or France saved - 1801, château de Versailles) and an Allégorie de la bataille d'Austerlitz (Allegory of the Battle of Austerlitz - 1806, château de Versailles).
Richard Mabey describes Culpeper's entry on this bitter-tasting plant as "stream-of-consciousness" and "unlike anything else in the herbal", reading "like the ramblings of a drunk", and Culpeper biographer Benjamin Woolley suggests the piece may be an allegory about bitterness, as Culpeper had spent his life fighting the Establishment, and had been imprisoned and seriously wounded in battle as a result.
In 1978, London won the Jury Yellow Kid Award for Best Artist-Writer, contributed illustrations to The New York Times Op-Ed page from 1976 to 1981, and wrote and drew the Popeye syndicated daily comic strip for King Features from 1986 to 1992, at which point he was fired for doing an allegory about abortion.
Cambell, character in epic poem The Faerie Queene, and example of allegory in Renaissance literature
It was here that Orwell finished his anti-Stalinist allegory Animal Farm before leaving for France as a war correspondent in 1945.
Emmet's only known writings are a short poem on the myrtle and other trees, and an allegory of thirty-two stanzas of four lines each, entitled The Decree.
Aelian's work is one of the sources of medieval natural history and of the bestiaries of the Middle Ages; in some ways an allegory of the moral world, an Emblem Book.
It is also used in Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman as an allegory for the eval and apply functions of programming language interpreters in computer science, which feed each other.
and focusses on the threat to liberty represented by his power, and on the fight of the Gauls under Vercingetorix for liberty from the Romans; he links the two by relating Caesar's fall to his conquest of Gaul; the text can thus be seen as an allegory of contemporary issues of the aristocratic struggle against the power of the crown.
According to Francisco-Xavier de Salas Bosch, Goya may have been referencing an allegory (number 75) that appears in the work by Diego de Saavedra Fajardo, the emblem book Empresas Políticos Political Maxims, Idea de un príncipe político cristiano, which contained a hundred short essays on the education of a prince.
He specialises in allegorical paintings that include contemporary images (generally on controversial topics in Western cultural history) in idyllic scenes based on classical paintings such as the pastoral works of Claude Lorrain and Caspar David Friedrich.
There he painted several portraits, and a vast allegory, now at Hampton Court, of Charles and his queen as Diana and Apollo in the clouds receiving the Duke of Buckingham as Mercury and guardian of the King of Bohemia's children.
Of this unrealizable project for a bombastic marble allegory James Madison drily remarked that the sculptor "was an enthusiastic worshipper of Liberty and Fame, and his whole soul was bent on securing the latter by rearing a monument to the former".
Gaston Hall, located on the third and fourth floors and named for Georgetown's first student, William Gaston, is decorated with the coats of arms of the Jesuit colleges and universities and rich allegorical scenes painted by notable Jesuit artist Brother Francis C. Schroen.
Based on John Steinbeck's classic novel East of Eden, the allegorical tale centers on the Trasks and the Hamiltons, two families drawn to the rich farmlands of Salinas, California in the early 20th Century.
It was the custom for congratulatory works such as this to feature allegorical characters; in this case they are: Providentia (Providence), Fama (Fame), Salus (Well-being) and Pietas (Piety).
In art, depicting a face reflecting the ravages of jealousy was a frequent studio exercise: see for instance drawings by Charles Le Brun (1619–1690) or Sébastien Leclerc (the Younger) (1676–1763), or in a fuller treatment, the howling figure on the left in Bronzino’s An Allegory with Venus and Cupid (probably 1540-50).
The poem ("The Vacant Chair") is an allegory that describes the pain suffered by the family of those killed in war when sitting at the Thanksgiving table.
Lorenç presented a certain vers figurat (figured verse), Sobre·l pus alt de tots los cims d'un arbre, to the Consistori del Gay Saber in Toulouse, a mystic allegory of Jesus Christ (Ihus lo salvaire), who is the auzel(l)et tot blanch (little all-white bird), and the Jews, who are a corps mot vils (most vile corpse).
A quotation concerning Tarquinius and the poppy allegory appears in Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling.
These were followed by Monuments & Maidens: The Allegory of the Female Form and Joan of Arc: The Image of Female Heroism.
That it is a religious allegory of Catholicism, with bells representing the sanctus bells, the cockleshells the badges of the pilgrims to the shrine of Saint James in Spain (Santiago de Compostela) and pretty maids are nuns, but even within this strand of thought there are differences of opinion as to whether it is lament for the reinstatement of Catholicism or for its persecution.
The design is embellished with sculptural allegory by British sculptor Alexander Stoddart, telling the story of peaceful accomplishment of the last 2000 years.
Mitică is a male resident of Bucharest whose background and status are not always clear, generally seen as an allegory of the average Bucharester or through extension, inhabitants of Romania's southern regions—Wallachia and Muntenia.
His allegories include the Char d'orgueil and the Passion, a soteriological allegory, which depicts Christ as a knight in love who, dressed in the coat-of-arms of his squire Adam, fights Belial in order to rescue his lover, Humanity.
The painting can be seen as an allegory of time and space, geology and astronomy, family and history, with science meeting Christianity on the beach: Pegwell Bay was reputedly the place where St Augustine landed in 597, on his mission to bring Christianity to the British Isles (and also where Hengist and Horsa arrived in the 5th century).
In a letter, Don Quixote gives Sancho provincial advice on governorship gleaned from the romances he has read, thought to have been inspired by the Diálogo de Mercurio y Carón attributed to Alfonso de Valdés. Quixote's simplistic and romantic understanding of government may have been the author using the allegorical ínsula to satirize the lack of practical learning on the part of philosopher-doctors' placed in positions of power.
A 1962 novel by American writer, Katherine Anne Porter of the same name, set in the autumn of the year 1931, also uses the device of the allegory, and can be seen as an attack on a world that allowed the Second World War to happen.
He is also famous in 2channel by the phrase "Too bad, Sidiclei is there", an allegory of his great skill of defending, especially anticipation.
The Typhon Pact itself has been compared to the Warsaw Pact, and one of the books in the series has been described as an allegory for the Arab Spring.
The original Slough of Despond is a deep bog in John Bunyan's allegory The Pilgrim's Progress into which the character Christian sinks under the weight of his sins and his sense of guilt for them.
The Burning City is a fantasy novel of social and political allegory by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle set in an analogue of Southern California in an imaginary past shortly after the sinking of Atlantis about 14,000 years ago in the twilight of a civilization then struggling and now vanished for lack of a crucial natural, and essentially non-renewable resource upon which almost all of its economy and technology depended.
The Planets: A Modern Allegory is a radio play, written in verse, by Alfred Kreymborg.
The Quantum Rose is an allegory to the mathematical and physical processes of coupled-channel quantum scattering theory and as such is based on Asaro's doctoral work in chemical physics, with thesis advisor Alexander Dalgarno at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
Although the film concentrates on Gutierrez and Guatemala it can, like other recent films (e.g. Darwin's Nightmare), also be seen as an allegory on globalization.
It allegorically employs the fictional characters of A. A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh stories to explain the basic principles of philosophical Taoism.
One such treatment considers the poem to be allegory, in which interpretation the lamenting speaker represents the Church as Bride of Christ or as an otherwise feminine allegorical figure.
The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure For Writers is a popular screenwriting textbook by writer Christopher Vogler, focusing on the theory that most stories can be boiled down to a series of narrative structures and character archetypes, described through mythological allegory.
The book was written by Rabbi Jacob ben Isaac Ashkenazi (1550–1625) of Janowa (near Lublin, Poland), and mixes Biblical passages with teachings from Judaism's Oral Law such as the Talmud's Aggada and Midrash, which are sometimes called "parables, allegories, short stories, anecdotes, legends, and admonitions" by secular writers.
Snow White is used as an allegory in this song for waiting for "the prince" to come ("Kiss me baby, I am Snow White sleeping in my coffin waiting for you").
The song is a Prodigal Son allegory about a young man (the story's metaphorical "robin") who couldn't fly and could only walk all the way back to his old home in Missouri following a life of partying hard in the big city jazz scene -- or more to the point, the repercussions that happened as a result.
His allegory The Thrissil and the Rois commemorated the marriage of Margaret of England to King James IV in 1503 while the "Eulogy to Bernard Stewart, Lord of Aubigny" welcomed the arrival of a distinguished Franco-Scottish soldier as the French ambassador in 1508.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Ancient Mariner and Strang's own Allegory of Death and The Plowman's Wife, have served him with suitable imaginative subjects.
Huszárik made another experimental short film called Capriccio (about snowmen melting in the spring as an allegory to man's ultimate fate - death) and a short documentary on Hungarian-born artist Amerigo Tot, both in 1969.