Then, and in the following month, Oertel visited Mandalay, Amarapura and Sagaing from where he travelled down the Irrawady to Pagan and Prome (today Pyay).
Though the district used to consist of two cities, Mandalay and Amarapura, today, with the urban sprawl of Mandalay capturing Amarapura and Patheingyi, the district and the city of Mandalay are one and the same.
The former royal palace of Amarapura was dismantled and moved by elephants to the new location at the foot of Mandalay Hill.
The first bhikkhu was ordained in Burma in 1800 by the sangharaja of Burma in Amarapura, his party having been welcomed to Burma by King Bodawpaya.
The war resulted in a revolution in Amarapura although it was then still called the Court of Ava, with Pagan Min (1846–1852) being overthrown by his half brother Mindon Min (1853–1878).
In the 1960s, with the ascent of Ne Win to power, the Shwegyin Nikaya gained monastic influence in the country, as Ne Win sought counsel from a monk at the Mahagandayon Monastery, a Shwegyin monastery in Amarapura.
Located in the outskirts of Mandalay in Amarapura by Taungthaman Lake, the university offers bachelor's and master's degree programs in liberal arts and sciences, mostly to students from Mandalay suburbs and vicinity.
U Nu served King Bodawpaya in Link Zin Kone, Amarapura, where he read and wrote articles, poems, and books.