
unusual facts about Prome

Battle of Prome

With a large portion of the Burmese army dispersed at Prome, the British army led by Campbell advanced toward Ava unimpeded until they encountered a stockaded defense at Bagan.

The battle of Prome was a land-based battle between the Kingdom of Burma and the British Empire that took place near the city of Prome, modern day Pyay, in 1825 as part of the First Anglo-Burmese War.

F.O. Oertel

Then, and in the following month, Oertel visited Mandalay, Amarapura and Sagaing from where he travelled down the Irrawady to Pagan and Prome (today Pyay).

Gymkhana Ground, Rangoon

The ground along with the Gymkhana Club itself was located along the Halpin Road, today renamed Pyidaungzu Yeiktha Street, and was adjacent to the Prome Road, today renamed Pyay Road.

Sein Lwin

On 16 March, following the killing of two students, students marching on Prome Road were confronted near Inya Lake by the riot police and many beaten to death or drowned.

Thado Dhamma Yaza

Thalun: Viceroy of Prome (r. 1620–1628), King of Burma (r. 1629–1648)

Thado Dhamma Yaza I of Prome: Viceroy of Prome (r. 1542–1550), King of Prome (r. 1550–1551)

see also