
5 unusual facts about Sagaing


The infant prince was granted Sagaing as his fief by his grandfather King Bodawpaya, hence known as Prince of Sagaing.

Prince of Sagaing, as he was commonly known in his day, was selected as crown prince by his grandfather King Bodawpaya in 1808, and became king in 1819 after Bodawpaya's death.

Mobye Narapati

He occupied Sagaing, across the river from Ava, and began an assault on Ava.

Pindale Min

Pindale granted the residence to the Ming Emperor at Sagaing along with his officials.


Maurice Collis, author of Trials in Burma, was district commissioner of the Sagaing district in 1928.

Ava Kingdom

Founded in 1364, the kingdom was the successor state to the petty kingdoms (MyinsaingPinya and Sagaing) that had ruled central Burma since the collapse of Pagan Empire in the late 13th century.

F.O. Oertel

Then, and in the following month, Oertel visited Mandalay, Amarapura and Sagaing from where he travelled down the Irrawady to Pagan and Prome (today Pyay).

Maha Bodhi Ta Htaung Sayadaw

Narada was born Toe Kywe at 4 am on the 31st January 1931 (the 14th Waxing of Tabodwe 1292 ME) to parents U Tun Myat and Daw Saw Myaing in Ywa-kyat village (now Shwedwingon village) in Ayadaw Township (previously Tabayin Township), Sagaing Region.

Naga Hills District

Hkamti District, a district in far northern Sagaing Division of Burma

Neyinzaya River

Entering Kale Township of Sagaing region, the Neyinzaya is joined by the conjoined Nam Kyitlaw and Nam Sitpauk from the left (northeast).


Ngapa, Burma, a village in Kale Township, Sagaing Region of Burma

Pinya Kingdom

In 1364, King Narathu of Pinya thought he had a perfect plan to defeat his arch-rival Sagaing and the pesky Shan raiders from the north.

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Mandalay

As of 2004, Mandalay diocese had 22,511 Catholics in 30 parishes, representing 00.2% of the 15 million people in Mandalay, Sagaing and Magwe Regions.

Thein Sein

In 1988, he served as a major for Sagaing Division's 55th Light Infantry Division and later served as a commander for Sagaing Division's 89th Infantry Battalion in Kalay Township.


In 1540, he had 360 monks, including 30 eminent for their learning, from the capital region of Ava, Sagaing and Pinya killed.


Tongyi, Mingin Township, village in Kale District, Sagaing Region, Burma

Uzana II of Pinya

Uzana II came to the Pinya throne after the Shan raiders from Mogaung had successfully sacked both Sagaing and Pinya, the capitals of two main kingdoms in central Burma.


Winwa, Mingin, a village in Mingin Township, Kale District, in the Sagaing Region of western Burma

see also