
4 unusual facts about Amos Lawrence

Amos Lawrence

Samuel was in turn descended from John Lawrence of Wissett in Suffolk, England, who was one of the first settlers of Groton.

To Williams College, he gave nearly $40,000; to Groton Academy, which later changed its name to Lawrence Academy to honor both Amos and his brother, William Lawrence, he gave over $20,000; to Wabash College, Kenyon College, and the theological seminary at Bangor, Maine, he also gave sizable sums.

Frederic C. Lawrence

Lawrence was the grandson of the notable abolitionist Amos Adams Lawrence and a member of the influential Boston Family, founded by his great-great-grandfather and American revolutionary Samuel Lawrence; his great-grandfather was the noted philanthropist Amos Lawrence.

The Boston Associates

They included Nathan Appleton, Patrick Tracy Jackson, Abbott Lawrence, and Amos Lawrence, often related directly or through marriage, they were based in Boston, Massachusetts.

Luther Lawrence

Luther's brothers, William, Abbott, and Amos, all became influential figures in United States history.

see also