
3 unusual facts about Ancient Greek sculpture

Ancient Greek sculpture

The territories of ancient Greece, except for Sicily and southern Italy, contained abundant supplies of fine marble, with Pentelic and Parian marble the most highly prized, along with that from modern Prilep in Macedonia, and various sources in modern Turkey.

Examples are Apollo (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), an early work; the Strangford Apollo from Anafi (British Museum, London), a much later work; and the Anavyssos Kouros (National Archaeological Museum of Athens).

Bicha of Balazote

Details of the sculpture are similar to archaic Greek hieratic sculpture in that the hair and beard are rendered by straight grooves.

Adolf Michaelis

Adolf Michaelis (22 June 1835 – 12 August 1910) was a German classical scholar, a professor of art history at the University of Strasbourg from 1872, who helped establish the connoisseurship of Ancient Greek sculpture and Roman sculpture on their modern footing.

Alain Pasquier

Since 1974, he has been a professor of Greek archeology, in charge of Ancient Greek sculpture, at the École du Louvre.

see also


Peter Alexandrovich Saburov (1835–1918), diplomat, collector of ancient Greek sculpture and antiquities, and a strong amateur chess player