The son of artist André Masson and brother of the singer and actor Luís Masson, Diego Masson studied piano and composition at the Paris Conservatoire.
The first edition was illustrated with etchings by André Masson which were aesthetically very similar to those of Georges Bataille's Story of the Eye.
André Previn | André Breton | Andre Agassi | André Malraux | André Derain | Victor André Cornil | Carl Andre | Andre Ward | Fabrizio De André | André the Giant | André Heller | André Gide | André-Gaston Prételat | André | Andre Norton | André Masséna | André Guignard | André Franquin | Andre Begemann | Peter Andre | Andre Williams | Andre Ware | André Leon Talley | André Le Nôtre | André Glucksmann | André Charlot | André Sogliuzzo | André Marie Constant Duméril | André-Jacques Garnerin | André Bauer |
André Masson, Auguste Herbin, Max Jacob, Juan Gris, Jean Marchand will also come over to stay in Céret and soon a community of artist settles there.
The relationships and affinities of her paintings with European Art informel (Wols, Jean Fautrier, Yves Klein) and the antecedent surrealist automatism of Andre Masson became more pronounced in Cohen’s work during the time she lived in Cologne in the nineties.