
6 unusual facts about Andrew Mwenda

Andrew Mwenda

2005: With Roger Tangri: ‘Patronage Politics, Donor Reforms, and Regime Consolidation in Uganda’, African Affairs, 104, 416 (2005), 449-67.

2006: With Roger Tangri: ‘Politics, Donors, and the Ineffectiveness of Anti-Corruption Institutions in Uganda’, Journal of Modern African Studies, 44, 1 (2006)

2003: With Roger Tangri: “Military Corruption and Ugandan Politics since the late 1990s.” in the Review of African Political Economy No. 98, 2003.

2001: With Prof. Roger Tangri, Corruption and Cronyism in Uganda’s Privatisation in the 1990s, Africa Affairs 100-398 (2001) 87-103

Axelle Kabou

Nowadays various African intellectuals such as Roger Tagri, George Ayittey, Andrew Mwenda, James Shikwati and Chika Onyeani agree with her analysis, Robert Mugabe being one of the most prominent examples of criticism.

James Nangwala

James Nangwala is a Ugandan lawyer notable for his defence of The Monitor (Uganda) Newspaper editors Charles Onyango-Obbo and Andrew Mwenda.

see also