
4 unusual facts about Andrew Vachss

Andrew Vachss

Another important theme that pervades Vachss' work is his love of dogs, particularly breeds considered "dangerous," such as Doberman pinschers, rottweilers, and especially pit bulls.

He's so committed to his family of choice—not his DNA-biological family, which tortured him, or the state which raised him, but the family that he chose—that homicide is a natural consequence of injuring any of that family.

Son Seals

Author Andrew Vachss was a friend of Seals, and used his influence to promote Seals' music.

Tony Akins

At Dark Horse Akins worked across licensed sci-fi titles from Aliens (Colonial Marines) to Star Wars (Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising) and pencilled the adaptation of Andrew Vachss story "Warlord" (the only play written by Vachss) in the Hard Boilded series for Dark Horse.

see also