Spiral platers are also used for research, clinical diagnostics and as a method for covering a Petri dish with bacteria before placing antibiotic discs for AST.
antibiotic | Antibiotic resistance | antibiotic resistance | Sensitivity and specificity | Sense & Sensitivity | Multiple chemical sensitivity | multiple chemical sensitivity | gluten sensitivity | Antibiotic sensitivity | A comparison of the sensitivity of WMAP with COBE and Penzias and Wilson's Holmdel Horn Antenna |
Her studies have concerned investigating the role of surface tension depressants in immunological systems, the first complement fixation with a bacteria-free virus, the first report of wound botulism, geotrichum mycemia, nasal carriage of Clostridium tetani, antibiotic cure of rhinoscleroma, antibiotic sensitivity testing of Coccidiodes immitis, and electron microscope studies of Peptococci.