The genre continued in the later seventeenth-century by Anton Ghering and Willem Schubart von Ehrenberg, but the Flemish examples do not demonstrate the same level of innovation found in the Dutch perspectives of Pieter Jansz Saenredam or Emanuel de Witte.
Anton Chekhov | Anton Corbijn | Anton Bruckner | Anton Webern | Anton Reichenow | Robert Anton Wilson | Anton LaVey | Anton Yelchin | Anton Geesink | Anton Armstrong | Case Anton | Anton Zeilinger | Anton Walbrook | Anton Emdin | Anton du Beke | Anton Denikin | Anton Cermak | Anton | Theodor Anton Ippen | Suzanne Anton | Karl Theodor Anton Maria von Dalberg | Anton van Wilderode | Anton Shkaplerov | Anton R. Valukas | Anton Raphael Mengs | Anton Karas | Anton Günther II | Antón García Abril | Anton Diabelli | Anton Christian Bang |