
3 unusual facts about Antonio Bonvisi

Antonio Bonvisi

He was also a banker, and employed by the English government, as well as being an agent for the Italians appointed as Bishop of Worcester.

Sir Thomas More, in one of his last letters from the Tower of London, speaks of himself as having been for nearly forty years 'not a guest, but a continual nursling of the house of Bonvisi,' and styles Antonio the most faithful of his friends.

Florentius Volusenus

As soon as he recovered he set out on his journey, but at Avignon, by the advice of his friend Antonio Bonvisi (d. 1558), he sought the patronage of the bishop of the diocese, the learned and pious Paul Sadolet, who made him master in the school at Carpentras, with a salary of seventy crowns.

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