
unusual facts about Antonio Gasalla

Waiting for the Hearse

The film adaptation counted with great actors of the rioplatense theater like Antonio Gasalla, China Zorrilla, Luis Brandoni and Betiana Blum; in Argentina it's a classic and its reruns on TV still draw a large level of audiences.

Musicardi's octogenarian widow, Ana María de los Dolores Buscaroli, called Mamá Cora by everybody (Antonio Gasalla), has four children: Antonio (Luis Brandoni), Sergio (Juan Manuel Tenuta), Emilia (Lidia Catalano) and Jorge Musicardi (Julio De Grazia) with whom she lives and goes through financial troubles.

see also

Alejandro Rozitchner

As a professional scriptwriter, he has written humorous scripts for the shows El palacio de la risa, with Antonio Gasalla; La cueva del chancho, with Juan Acosta, and joined the scriptwriter's staff of El circo Romano, with Gerardo Romano.