
4 unusual facts about Archon


The Old Testament title God of Hosts was thought a proper name, hence Jupiter Sabbas (Yahweh Sabaoth).

Archon, Aisne

Wounded by a gunshot in the right nipple on 26 July 1812 at Koukoviaczi near Vitebsk in the Battle of Ostrovno, he left the army at the fall of the Empire.

Elizabeth Donald

She regularly appears at horror- and science fiction-themed conventions such as Archon, Dragoncon, Midsouthcon and Hypericon.

Kung-Fu Chess

This reference of fighting between rival pieces was influenced by the chess-variant video game Archon.

Aammiq Wetland

A Rocha personnel recorded several new records of species since 1998 such as: Oriental marbled skipper (Carcharodus boeticus), Swallowtail (Papilio machaon), Scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius), False Apollo (Archon apollinus), Large White (Pieris brassicae), Plain tiger (Danaus chrysippus), Long-tailed Blue (Lampides boeticus).

Athanasios Angelopoulos

He has been honoured with the title of the Archon Actuary of the Holy in Christ Great Mother Church, by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople; the award of the Academy of Athens, in 1980; and with awards and prizes from churches, states and institutes.

Free Fall Associates

For their first title, inspired by sword-and-sorcery themes and the holographic chess-like game featured in Star Wars, they set to work on Archon.

Mail Order Monsters

Reiche had previously worked with designers Jon Freeman and Anne Westfall of Free Fall Associates on the game Archon for EA, and teamed with the Robinsons on action-strategy games.


In fact, the sphere of the seven stars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon, were supposed to be presided over, each by a different archon.

Sara M. Harvey

She also makes frequent appearances at conventions, speaking on and demonstrating costuming techniques at conferences such as Arisia, MidSouthCon, Hypericon, and Archon.

see also