This was followed by the second consultative meeting in Yellowknife, Canada in April 1990 where a third ad hoc group was established to develop the strategy.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design | United States Environmental Protection Agency | Arctic | Arctic Circle | Arctic Ocean | Arctic Monkeys | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act | environmental | Arctic National Wildlife Refuge | Protection from Harassment Act 1997 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection | Goldman Environmental Prize | Environmental Defense Fund | Australian Customs and Border Protection Service | Strategy | strategy | Special Protection Area | Real-time strategy | real-time strategy | Firearm Owners Protection Act | World Society for the Protection of Animals | Royal Society for the Protection of Birds | Pension Protection Act of 2006 | Arctic Tern | Smithsonian Environmental Research Center | Roland Berger Strategy Consultants | Protection racket | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection | MotorStorm: Arctic Edge | Military strategy |