
unusual facts about Aristocracy


Ahom kingdom

Subinphaa (1281–1293), the third Ahom king, dilineated the Satgharia Ahom ("Ahom of the seven houses") aristocracy: the Chaophaa, the Burhagohain and the Borgohain families (the Gohains), and four priestly lineages—the Deodhai, the Mohan, the Bailung and the Chiring (the Gogois).

Battus III of Cyrene

To further protect Cyrenaica from the Libyans and their aristocracy, Battus made an alliance with the Egyptian Pharaoh Amasis II.

Béla III of Hungary

Following the death of his elder brother, who had been fighting against the Byzantine Empire, Béla could only ascend to the throne with the assistance of his uncle Emperor Manuel I and Pope Alexander III, because a significant part of the Hungarian aristocracy led by his own mother and the Archbishop of Esztergom preferred his younger brother's succession.

Bunty Lawless

At the race track he sat in the cheap grandstand seats with the rest of the crowd and was frowned upon by the aristocratic elite owners in their top hats and tails, seated in their exclusive viewing boxes.

Ca' Rezzonico

Hence the mere rich, as opposed to the wealthy aristocracy, could make a large donation to the Serene Republic, thus purchasing patents of nobility and having their names inscribed in the Libro d'Oro (the "Golden Book").

Çandarlı family

In contrast to other European monarchies, aside from the Ottoman dynasty, Ottoman Empire had no aristocracy.

Chambre introuvable

The "Unobtainable Chamber", which was first assembled on October 7, 1815, was characterized by its zeal in favour of the aristocracy and the clergy and aimed at reestablishing the Ancien Régime.

Democratic education

As English aristocracy was giving way to democracy, Matthew Arnold investigated popular education in France and other countries to determine what form of education suited a democratic age.

Detmar Blow

His clients belonged chiefly to the British aristocracy, and later he became estates manager to the Duke of Westminster.

Donji Humac

Donji Humac is one of the oldest settlements on the Croatian island of Brač, about 2 kilometers from Nerežišća, the previous capital of the island and home of Brač's aristocracy.

Dublin Evening Mail

The paper was an instant success, with first editor Joseph Timothy Haydn from Limerick seeing its readership hit 2,500 in a month, making it at that stage (when few could read, and the only people who bought papers were the gentry and aristocracy) the city's top seller.

Effy Stonem

On her official Skins page, Effy claims she is distantly related to the 18th century French aristocrat called Cecile DeLacroix, who was beheaded during the French Revolution.


Erminethrudis (died c 600), also known as Ermintrude, a nun and member of the Merovingian aristocracy

Ferdinando Bartolommei

From the beginning of the revolutionary movement Bartolommei was always an ardent Liberal, and although belonging to an old and noble Florentine family his sympathies were with the democratic party rather than with the moderately liberal aristocracy.

Fitton Gerard, 3rd Earl of Macclesfield

On 15 November 1712, the two men fought a famous duel in Hyde Park, Westminster, described in Thackeray's The History of Henry Esmond and in Bernard Burke's Anecdotes of the Aristocracy.

George Melville, 1st Earl of Melville

George Melville, 1st Earl of Melville (1636 – 20 May 1707) was a Scots aristocrat and statesman during the reigns of William and Mary.

Great Saxon Revolt

While Henry campaigned there, the German Aristocracy replaced their king Rudolf with the belated election of king Hermann of Salm (ca. 1035 – 28 September 1088), also known as Herman of Luxembourg, as their new antiking in August of 1081, but he was fought successfully to a stalemate by Frederick I, Duke of Swabia (Frederick of Swabia) — Rudolf's Henry-appointed successor in Swabia who had married Henry's daughter Agnes of Germany.

Healthcare in Romania

During the early 18th century, the aristocracy would send their children away to Vienna or Paris to attend a medicine faculty there.

Henry Musgrave

Customers included cattle barons in South America and members of European aristocracy such as Victoria, Princess Royal, Empress of Germany and Alfonso XIII of Spain.

Infanterie Greift An

Infanterie Greift An was first published in 1937 and helped to persuade Adolf Hitler to give Rommel high command in World War II, although he was not from an old military family or the Prussian aristocracy, which had traditionally dominated the German officer corps.

Ion Irimescu

His mother descended from an old French family with claims to aristocracy; she was the granddaughter of Romanian writer Alexandru Cazaban (1872–1966) and Irimescu was thus the nephew of Romanian playwright and director Jules Cazaban (1903–1963) and of his brother Theodor Cazaban (b. 1921), historian and cultural writer.

James Chace

His family, of the New England aristocracy, lost nearly everything during the Great Depression after the collapse of the Fall River cotton-mill economy.

John I of Sweden

When King Eric died suddenly in fever in 1216, the teen-aged John was hailed king by the Swedish aristocracy against the will of the Pope in Rome.

Kamo no Chōmei

At the time, the Upper and Lower Kamo Shrines owned large amounts of property around the Kamo River, northeast of the Heian capital (Kyoto), holding great power and pretige among the aristocracy.

Kurhaus of Meran

The ornate structure was constructed at a time when Meran became a popular spa resort due to the frequent visits of Empress Elisabeth of Austria and the aristocracy.

Luigi Parrilli

Baron Luigi Parrilli was an Italian aristocrat a native of Genoa, who took part in the negotiations between SS leaders and the CIA's future director, Allen Dulles, during Operation Sunrise.

Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk

He was born Johann Ludwig von Krosigk in Rathmannsdorf, Anhalt, Germany to a father from an old noble family of Anhalt and a mother who was a daughter and heiress of a Count (Graf) von Schwerin, a member of the same family as Richardis of Schwerin, Queen of Sweden.

Marquis St. Evrémonde

The Marquis or Monseigneur St. Evrémonde appears (in life) for only three chapters in Book the Second, symbolizing the pitiless, arrogant, French aristocracy.

Miguel Primo de Rivera

The young Miguel grew up as part of what Gerald Brenan called "a hard-drinking, whoring, horse-loving aristocracy" that ruled "over the most starved and down-trodden race of agricultural labourers in Europe." Studying history and engineering before deciding upon a military career, he won admission to the newly created General Academy in Toledo, and graduated in 1884.

Military history of the Crusader states

The War of the Lombards (1228–1242) was a civil war in the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Cyprus between the "Lombards" (also called the imperialists), the representatives of the Emperor Frederick II, largely from Lombardy, and the native aristocracy, led first by the Ibelins and then by the Montforts.


Apart from the Nyamwezi aristocracy, Mirambo also was an enemy of the trading community of Tabora in the kingdom of Unyanyembe.


Long involved in finance, commerce, and the law, they are considered to be one of the principal families in the "cousinhood" of senior sephardic Anglo-Jewish families, the de facto Anglo-Jewish aristocracy: these influential families of the "cousinhood" include the d'Avigdor family, Sassoon family, Goldsmid family, Henriques family, Kadoorie family, Lousada family, Mazza Family, Montefiore, and Samuel family.

Nude per l'assassino

Writing for The A.V. Club, Noel Murray compared the film to Sergio Martino's 1972 film Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key (Il tuo vizio è una stanza chiusa e solo io ne ho la chiave), noting that "both take place among the idle European aristocracy, with vapid models, rugged motocross drivers, bigoted executives, and debauched artists wandering through a world of soft fabrics and bloody, gashed skin".

Otto I, Count of Nassau

He stood against the local aristocracy, particularly the counts of Greifenstein and of Dernbach and was for many years banished, since he withheld lands of Teutonic Knights, which his uncle had left to him.

Palazzo Castiglioni

The Castiglioni were a prominent family from the Lombard aristocracy since the 10th Century.

Queen Paola of Belgium

Among her distinguished ancestors of the French aristocracy were the American general Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette and the Dukes of Noailles.

Russkiy Toy

The breed was nearly wiped out twice; first following in the 1920s with the rise of Communism due to the toy dog's traditional link to the aristocracy and secondly in the 1990s with the influx of foreign breeds following the fall of the Iron Curtain.


As the status of Saint Louis grew among Europe's aristocracy, the influence of his famous chapel also extended beyond France, with important copies at Karlštejn Castle near Prague (c.1360), the Hofburgkapelle in Vienna (consecrated 1449) and Exeter College, Oxford (1860).


Family members of this branch up to the present day are members of the European aristocracy and include the current royal houses of Denmark and Norway, as well as Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the prince consort of Queen Elizabeth II.

St. George's Abbey in the Black Forest

The monastery was founded in 1084–85 in the Black Forest, by the source of the Brigach, against the background of the Investiture Controversy, as a result of the community of interests of the Swabian aristocracy and the church reform party, the founders being Hezelo and Hesso of the family of the Vögte of Reichenau, and the politically influential Abbot William of Hirsau.

Takhir Sabirov

His mother Mastona Sobir Zoda was the daughter of Duke Sobir-kaloni Tura-zoda of Samarkand (now part of the Samarqand Province, Uzbekistan), from the Duchy of Greater Khorasan, known as Tura-zoda, who were eminent members of Central Asia's Aristocracy.

Tantivy Towers

It is set in the present day (the early 1930s), and plays on the contrasts and conflicts between the rural aristocracy and urban bohemians, between the hunting set and the artists - as one song describes it, "between Orpheus and Hercules".


Aside from Constantinople and Trebizond, other Byzantine cities also featured tzykanisteria, most notably Sparta, Ephesus, and Athens, an indication of a thriving urban aristocracy.

U and non-U English

The English author Nancy Mitford was alerted and immediately took up the usage in an essay, “The English Aristocracy”, which Stephen Spender published in his magazine Encounter in 1954.

Xavier de Mérode

The son of Félix de Mérode-Westerloo who held successively the portfolios of foreign affairs, war, and finances under Leopold I of Belgium, and of Rosalie de Grammont, he was allied through the House of Mérode to the aristocracy of France.

see also