
7 unusual facts about Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic

Armenian opera

The next important composer of Armenian opera was Armen Tigran Tigranian (1878-1950) who lived in Russian Armenia and the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic

The Wehrmacht never reached the South Caucasus, which they intended to do in order to capture the oil fields in Azerbaijan.

Afterward, both Turkey and the newly proclaimed Soviet republic negotiated the Treaty of Kars, in which Turkey ceded Adjara to the USSR in exchange for the Kars territory, corresponding to the modern-day Turkish provinces of Kars, Iğdır, and Ardahan.

At the end of the war, after Germany's capitulation, many Armenians in both the Republic, including Armenian Communist Party First Secretary Grigor Harutyunyan (Arutyunov), and the diaspora lobbied Stalin to reconsider the issue of taking back the provinces of Kars, Iğdır, and Ardahan, which Armenia had lost to Turkey in the Treaty of Kars.

In November 1967, the memorial (designed by the architects Kalashian and Mkrtchyan) was completed at the Tsitsernakaberd hill above the Hrazdan gorge in Yerevan.


Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, now Armenia (generally abbreviated ArmSSR)

Gennady Timchenko

Gennady Timchenko was born in Leninakan (now Gyumri), Armenian SSR (Soviet Union) in 1952 with a father who was in the Soviet military.

1981 Armenia mid-air collision

The crew of the CL-44 attempted to get away from the area, and the Soviet pilot directed his aircraft into the tail of the escaping aircraft, causing both aircraft to crash near Yerevan in the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Ahliman Amiraslanov

Ahliman Tapdiq oğlu Amiraslanov (Əhliman Tapdıq oğlu Əmiraslanov) (born 1947 in Zod, Armenian SSR) is an oncologist, a professor and Rector of Azerbaijan Medical University.

Arsen Galstyan

Arsen Galstyan was born on February 19, 1989 in the village of Nerkin Karmiraghbyur in the north-east of Armenian SSR.

Norair Aslanyan

Aslanyan was born on 25 March 1991 in the village of Qarahunj in the Armenian SSR, to Armenian parents.

Udi Hrant Kenkulian

He toured internationally again in 1963, playing in Paris, Beirut, Greece, the United States, and Yerevan, then the capital of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic.

see also