The majority of mainstream radio comedy now consists of personality-driven shows hosted by talk-radio hosts such as Howard Stern or comedic duos such as Armstrong & Getty and Bob & Tom.
Louis Armstrong | Lance Armstrong | Neil Armstrong | George Armstrong Custer | Armstrong Whitworth | Armstrong | Getty Research Institute | Getty Images | Armstrong College | Gillian Armstrong | John Armstrong | Armstrong Whitworth Whitley | Karan Armstrong | Getty Center | Getty | Billie Joe Armstrong | Vanessa Bell Armstrong | Tim Armstrong | Robert Armstrong | J. Paul Getty Trust | J. Paul Getty | Heather Armstrong | Gordon Getty | Anton Armstrong | Warwick Armstrong | Robert Armstrong (actor) | Kerry Armstrong | Keith Getty | John Armstrong (bishop) | Frank A. Armstrong |
He was wounded in the Battle of the Wilderness, but recovered to lead his troops during the lengthy Siege of Petersburg, and later in Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign.
Among the members of his class were several future Civil War generals: Paul Octave Hebert (1/CSA), William Tecumseh Sherman (6/USA), John P. McCown (10/CSA), George Henry Thomas (12/USA), Richard S. Ewell (13/CSA), James Green Martin (14/CSA), George W. Getty (15/USA), William Hays (18/USA), Bushrod Johnson (23/CSA), William Steele (31/CSA), and Thomas Jordan (41/CSA).