Currently, Gottlieb is a participant in the video vlog “Momversation”, which focuses on issues that affect moms and gives different perspectives of other mom bloggers, including Heather Armstrong, of the blog Dooce.
Regular contributors to the Momversation show include Heather Armstrong of the website Dooce, Alice Bradley, Daphne Brogdon, Asha Dornfest, Jessica Gottlieb, Giyen Kim, Dana Loesch, Maggie Mason, Mindy Roberts, Heather Spohr, Karen Walrond, and Rebecca Woolf.
Louis Armstrong | Lance Armstrong | Neil Armstrong | George Armstrong Custer | Armstrong Whitworth | Armstrong | Armstrong College | Heather Graham | Gillian Armstrong | John Armstrong | Heather Mills | Heather Fargo | Armstrong Whitworth Whitley | Karan Armstrong | Heather Locklear | Heather Headley | Heather Bishop | Billie Joe Armstrong | Vanessa Bell Armstrong | Tim Armstrong | Robert Armstrong | Peter Heather | Heather Richardson | Heather Armstrong | Anton Armstrong | Warwick Armstrong | Robert Armstrong (actor) | Kerry Armstrong | John Armstrong (bishop) | Heather Nova |