
3 unusual facts about Unidentified Flying Object

Dean Bertram

His dissertation, as its title suggests - Flying Saucer Culture: An Historical Survey of American UFO Belief - traces and examines the development of UFO belief within the context of American culture and society.

Nobody Told Me

Another line in the song is "There's UFO's over New York and I ain't too surprised", apparently a reference to a UFO sighting Lennon had back in 1974.

Tony Leavey

He was insistent that he knew there had been flying saucers over Lancashire, and wanted girls who went topless to be arrested.

David Langford

The novelette An Account Of A Meeting With Denizens Of Another World 1871, is an entertaining account of a UFO encounter, as experienced by a Victorian, but is notable chiefly for the framing story, in which Langford claimed to have found the manuscript in an old desk (the story's narrator, William Robert Loosely, is a genuine ancestor of Langford's wife).

Edward J. Ruppelt

Incidentally, the base had also headquartered two formal unidentified flying object investigations: Project Sign (1947–1948), which had come to favor the extraterrestrial hypothesis before being replaced with Project Grudge (1949–1951), which had a debunking mandate.

French Wikipedia

According to a 2013 Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford study, Ségolène Royal (FR) and unidentified flying object (objet volant non identifié) were the most controversial articles on the French Wikipedia.

Geoff Stirling

For example, he devoted many hours of, often unscheduled, broadcast time to conversations with gurus such as Ram Dass and Swami Shyam and to a variety of esoteric subjects ranging from pyramids to unidentified flying objects, a practice which continues today as the station is run by his son Scott, and Scott and Judy's son, Jesse.

Pag Triangle

Croatian ufologists have linked the existence of the triangle to a series of UFO sightings in late 20th century over the island of Pag, while some perceive the triangle as a sign of Holy Trinity, sometimes associated with Catholic priest Zlatko Sudac receiving his stigmata during a conversation about the triangle.

Raymond A. Palmer

In 1948, Palmer and Curtis Fuller co-founded Fate, which covered divination methods, Fortean events, belief in the survival of personality after death, predictive dreams, accounts of ghosts, mental telepathy, archaeology, flying saucer sightings, cryptozoology, alternative medicine, warnings of death, and other paranormal topics, many contributed by readers.

Weird NJ

Past issues have covered everything from the Jersey Devil and UFO sightings to abandoned Nike missile silos, the legend of the "Hookerman" Lights and the life of Zip the Pinhead.

see also


Kecksburg UFO incident, a purported Unidentified Flying Object incident in 1965 near Keckburg in Western Pennsylvania