The show is co-hosted by the editor of the space and astronomy news site Universe Today Fraser Cain and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville astronomy professor Dr. Pamela L. Gay and premiered on September 10, 2006.
As of June 2008 two shows have been done in this format, and this ongoing project has been sponsored by NASA's Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
astronomy | Astronomy | Photometry (astronomy) | The Appleseed Cast | cast iron | Cast Away | X-ray astronomy | RTMC Astronomy Expo | radio astronomy | National Radio Astronomy Observatory | International Year of Astronomy | ensemble cast | The cast of ''Mujhse Fraaandship Karoge''. From left: Saqib Saleem | National Optical Astronomy Observatory | List of Carry On films cast members | Indian astronomy | Chinese astronomy | Cast iron | Cast (band) | Cast | cast | Astronomy for Dogs | Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey | UK Astronomy Technology Centre | transit (astronomy) | ToruĊ Centre for Astronomy | ''SNL'' cast | Saint-Cast-le-Guildo | Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory | Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics |