
unusual facts about Atomic orbital

Unit fraction

An explanation for this phenomenon is provided by the Bohr model, according to which the energy levels of electron orbitals in a hydrogen atom are inversely proportional to square unit fractions, and the energy of a photon is quantized to the difference between two levels.

Kugel–Khomskii coupling

Kugel–Khomskii coupling describes a coupling between the spin and orbital degrees of freedom in a solid; it is named after the Russian physicists Kliment I. Kugel (Климент Ильич Кугель) and Daniel I. Khomskii (Daniil I. Khomskii, Даниил И. Хомский).

see also

Vsevolod Klechkovsky

Klechkovsky also studied theoretical chemistry, and proposed a theoretical justification of the empirical Madelung rule for the ordering of atomic orbital energies.