
unusual facts about atomic

Håkon Kornstad

He was involved with the free improvisation bands Tri-Dim and No Spaghetti Edition, and started the band Atomic in 2000.

Atomic mass unit

Titin, the largest known protein, has an atomic mass of 3-3.7 megadaltons (3,000,000 Da).

Australian Protective Service

Protection of sensitive defence establishments, including Defence Headquarters at Russell Offices in Canberra; the joint Australian/US communications facility at Pine Gap in the Northern Territory; the former atomic testing site at Maralinga in South Australia; the Australian Defence Signals facility at Geraldton and the naval communications station at Exmouth, both in Western Australia

Brighter Than A Thousand Suns

"Brighter than a Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists", the first published account of the Manhattan Project and the German atomic bomb project by Robert Jungk

Charles Donald Albury

On August 9, 1945, just three days after the bombing of Hiroshima, Sweeney's crew, with Albury as co-pilot, took off in the B-29 Superfortress, nicknamed the Bockscar, which would drop the atomic bomb known as the "Fat Man" on the city of Nagasaki.

Charles Sweeney

Major General Charles W. Sweeney (December 27, 1919 – July 16, 2004) was an officer in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II and the pilot who flew Bocks Car carrying the Fat Man atomic bomb to Nagasaki on August 9, 1945.


At the first meeting of the Committee, eight D-Notices were issued covering atomic tests in Australia, aspects of naval shipbuilding, official ciphering, the number and deployment of Centurion tanks, troop movements in the Korean War, weapons and equipment information not officially released, aspects of air defence and certain aerial photographs.

Ernest Henley

Ernest M. Henley (born 1924), American atomic and nuclear physicist

Eve Andree Laramee

This work zeroes-in on sites where Uranium mining/milling, plutonium production for nuclear weaponss and the nuclear energy industry have contaminated surface water, well water and deep aquifer water with radioactive isotopes and her work archives this atomic legacy.


Nuclear fission, where a large atomic nucleus (such as that of uranium) is split into two (or sometimes more) smaller nuclei.

G. B. Pegram

Following Marcus Oliphant's mission to the USA in August 1941 to alert the Americans to the feasibility of an atomic bomb, in autumn 1941 Pegram and Urey led a diplomatic mission to the United Kingdom to establish co-operation on development of the atomic bomb.

Haraden Pratt

During World War II, Pratt served as Division Chief in the Office of Scientific Research and Development and was Chairman of the Radio Technical Planning Board 1945-1949, and in 1946 was an official observer of the Bikini atomic bomb tests.

Harry Wimperis

From 1946 to 1950 he was a member of the Atomic Energy Study Group, Chatham House.

History of the periodic table

In 1914, a year before he was killed in action at Gallipoli, the English physicist Henry Moseley found a relationship between the X-ray wavelength of an element and its atomic number.

Holy Sonnets

It is thought that theoretical physicist and Manhattan Project director J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904–1967), regarded as the "father of the Atomic Bomb", named the site of the first nuclear weapon test site "Trinity" after a phrase from Donne's Sonnet XIV.

International Institute of Nuclear Energy

June 2010: A report is made to Valérie Pécresse (Minister of High Education & Research) and Jean-Louis Borloo (Minister of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable development and Sea affairs) by Catherine Cesarsky, High commissioner of atomic energy.

Jack Stevens

He was appointed as the first chairman of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission (AAEC) in September 1952 to carry out research into atomic energy and enable access to overseas technology and secure technical co-operation.

Jacobs Engineering Group

It owns one-third of the Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston, UK.

John Cockcroft

In 1944, he took charge of the Canadian Atomic Energy project and became Director of the Montreal Laboratory and Chalk River Laboratories, replacing Hans von Halban, who was considered a security risk.

John Hasbrouck Van Vleck

The committee's important contribution (originating with Rose) was a reduction in the size of the firing gun for the Little Boy atomic bomb, a concept which eliminated additional design-weight and sped up production of the bomb for its eventual release over Hiroshima.

John R. Huizenga

During World War II, Huizenga supervised teams at the Manhattan Project in Oak Ridge, Tenn. involved in enriching uranium used in the atomic weapon dropped on Hiroshima in August 1945.

Koko Kondo

In 1955, both appeared on the popular television program This Is Your Life where they were placed in the uncomfortable position of meeting with Captain Robert A. Lewis, copilot of the Enola Gay, which dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima.


Layered double hydroxides, a class of layered materials composed of positively charged atomic layers and charge balancing anions located in the interlayer region

Live at the Marquee 1980

No known live soundboard recordings exist of the 1980 (Crane/Du Cann/Hammond) lineup of Atomic Rooster and the source cassette tape, belonging to Du Cann, was recorded via a single onstage microphone.


In late 1998, Polish physicist Robert Smolańczuk published calculations on the fusion of atomic nuclei towards the synthesis of superheavy atoms, including ununoctium.

Lloyd Shapley

His work with M.Maschler and B.Peleg on the kernel and the nucleolus, and his work with Robert Aumann on non-atomic games and on long-term competition have all had a tremendous impact in economic theory.

Margie's Candies

According to the Poulos family, the band came into Margie’s with five girls and ordered several six-scoop “Atomic Sundaes” to share with them.

Maurice Lister

Soon after the war he joined Atomic Energy Canada in Chalk River, Ontario, and then in 1949 the chemistry department at the University of Toronto, where he remained until 1982.

Miss Atomic Bomb

"Miss Atomic Bomb" sees actress Izabella Miko and actor Eric Roberts reprise their roles from the "Mr. Brightside" video.


Monoisotopic mass is a term from mass spectrometry, and usually refers to the atomic weight of a molecule calculated using (for each element) the atomic weight of the most naturally abundant isotope of that element.

Naguib Pasha Mahfouz

On 1 July 1947, the Royal Society of Medicine of England bestowed its Honorary Fellowship upon Professor Naguib Mahfouz together with Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin, and an atomic scientist.

Nenad Ban

His interest in large macromolecular assemblies led him for his postdoctoral work to the Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University where he determined the atomic structure of the large ribosomal subunit by X-ray crystallography, as part of the group in the laboratory of Thomas A. Steitz.

Nonproliferation Policy Education Center

David Kay – Senior Fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies and former International Atomic Energy Agency UN-Iraq Inspection Team Leader.

NS Savannah

Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman of the US Atomic Energy Commission was the featured speaker and President Eisenhower was honored for his introduction of the global Atoms for Peace program.


He can will himself into an invisible immaterial state and in said phantom form fire destructive bolts of pure "radiation-free" atomic energy from his hands and fly at the speed of light as well as quickly heal himself of any injuries received in his mortal flesh and blood form.

Peter Armbruster

His major research fields are fission, interaction of heavy ions in matter and atomic physics with fission product beams at the Research Centre of Jülich (1965 to 1970).

Professor Bobo

Bobo ultimately becomes one of her henchmen after his planet is destroyed when Mike Nelson helps the apes and their new mutant friends activate an atomic bomb (a reference to PotA sequel Beneath the Planet of the Apes).


In 1902, Bohuslav Brauner suggested there was an element with properties intermediate between those of the known elements neodymium (60) and samarium (62); this was confirmed in 1914 by Henry Moseley who, having measured the atomic numbers of all the elements then known, found there was no element with atomic number 61.

R. Eric Lieb

Before joining Fox Atomic, Lieb held positions at Artisan Entertainment and Lionsgate, where he worked on such films as the Academy Award-winning Crash, as well as The Punisher, Saw, Saw II, The Devil's Rejects, and Hostel.

Space Mouse

In this tale, Space Mouse and Millie notice a strange growth in the backyard and discover that it is being caused by an atomic ray from Mars.

The Spy in the Green Hat

The base is run by Louis Strago, who in conjunction with former Nazi Dr. von Kronen is planning to detonate atomic bombs in the Atlantic Ocean.

The World Set Free

Wells's knowledge of atomic physics came from reading William Ramsay, Ernest Rutherford, and Frederick Soddy; the latter discovered the disintegration of uranium.

Theodore Hall

Igor Kurchatov, a brilliant scientist and the head of the Soviet atomic bomb effort, probably used information provided by Klaus Fuchs to confirm corresponding information provided earlier by Hall.

Tower 270

The initial proposed name for the development of the atomic bomb was "Laboratory for the Development of Substitute Materials." Fearing the name would draw undue attention General Leslie Groves changed it to the "Manhattan Engineer District" which was eventually shortened to the Manhattan Project.


Tarapur Industrial Estate, Tarapur Atomic Power Station and a Thermal Power Station owned by Reliance Energy Limited are located close by.


Ununennium, an unsynthesized chemical element with atomic number 119.

Vsevolod Klechkovsky

Klechkovsky also studied theoretical chemistry, and proposed a theoretical justification of the empirical Madelung rule for the ordering of atomic orbital energies.

World Nuclear Industry Status Report

World atomic power production dropped by a record 4.3 percent in 2011 as the global financial crisis and the Fukushima disaster in Japan prompted plant shutdowns and slowed construction of new sites.

X-ray standing waves

The characteristic shape of Y p can be used to derive precise structural information about the surface atoms because the two parameters f H (coherent fraction) and P H (coherent position) are directly related to the Fourier representation of the atomic distribution function.


Zq, the Molecular Hamiltonian charge of a nucleus: atomic number Z * q (electrons' negative elementary charge)

see also