
2 unusual facts about Augusto César Sandino

Arthur Bliss Lane

While working here he met with General Somoza while the President of Nicaragua Sacasa held discussions with rebel leader Augusto César Sandino.

Don A. Allen

Both Allens were in the U.S. Marines, the elder serving in the Haitian campaign of 1927 against the Sandino Rebellion.

Battle of Ocotal

A large force of rebels loyal to Augusto César Sandino attacked the garrison of Ocotal, which was held by a small group of US Marines and Nicaraguan National Guards.

Battle of Telpaneca

At about 1:00 am on September 19, a force of around 200 rebel troops, loyal to Augusto César Sandino, attacked the small garrison of Telpaneca under the command of Marine First Lieutenant Herbert S. Keimling.

see also

Augusto C. Sandino International Airport

Named as Las Mercedes Airport in 1968 it was later renamed Augusto César Sandino International Airport during the Sandinista regime in 1980s and again in 2001 to Managua International Airport by then president Arnoldo Alemán.