
4 unusual facts about Augusto Giacometti

Augusto Giacometti

Augusto Giacometti (August 16, 1877 – June 9, 1947) was a Swiss painter from Stampa, Graubünden, cousin of Giovanni Giacometti who was the father of Alberto, Diego and Bruno Giacometti.


Equally impressive is the 9m tall stained glass of the North transept, created by Augusto Giacometti in 1940.


Augusto Giacometti (1877–1947), a Swiss painter; 2nd cousin of Giovanni Giacometti

Joseph Gantner

His portrait was painted by Augusto Giacometti, a second cousin of Alberto Giacometti, and is now in the possession of his daughter Vera.

Johannes Handschin

Artists that followed his lead and laid the groundwork for this new art form were Augusto Giacometti, Otto Morach, Carl Moos, Burkhard Mangold, Walther Koch and Otto Baumberger.

see also