Professor Augusto Gansser-Biaggi, her father, is a renowned geologist whose book Geology of the Himalaya earned him the award of the Patron's Medal of the Royal Geographical Society London.
Augusto Pinochet | Augusto Boal | Augusto Giacometti | Augusto César Sandino | Max Biaggi | Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala | Augusto Rollandin | Augusto dos Anjos | Mario Biaggi | José Augusto | Augusto Rocha | Augusto Roa Bastos | Augusto Pestana (politician) | Augusto Pestana | Augusto Gansser-Biaggi | Renato Augusto | Marco Augusto Dueñas | Joaquim Augusto Mouzinho de Albuquerque | Augusto Vargas Alzamora | Augusto Vandor | Augusto Tasso Fragoso | Augusto Ramos Soares | Augusto Pinochet's arrest and trial | Augusto Novelli | Augusto Monaco | Augusto Martelli | Augusto Genina | Augusto Daolio | Augusto Álvarez Rodrich | Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade |
In 1975 Biaggi introduced a joint resolution of Congress, Public Law 94-479, to posthumously promote George Washington to the grade of General of the Armies of the United States and restore Washington's position as the highest-ranking military officer in U.S. history.
Biaggi, Mario: An Appreciation of Philip Mazzei - an Unsung American Patriot, in CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Washington, D.C., September 12, 1984