
2 unusual facts about Authoring


Authoring systems, computer based systems that allow the creation of content for intelligent tutoring systems

Optical disc authoring and DVD authoring, the process of creating a DVD or a CD from multimedia source materials.

Aaron Mannes

In addition to authoring Profiles in Terror: A Guide to Middle East Terrorist Organizations (2004), he has written on Middle East affairs and terrorism for numerous publications including Policy Review, The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Jerusalem Post, National Review Online, The Forward, Middle East Insight, and The Journal of International Security Affairs.

Adobe Director

Adobe Director (formerly Macromedia Director) is a multimedia application authoring platform created by Macromedia—now part of Adobe Systems.

Alison Gopnik

In 2009, Gopnik published a paper in Hume Studies arguing that the historical record regarding the circumstances around David Hume's authoring of A Treatise of Human Nature are wrong.

Andrew Potter

Andrew Potter is a Canadian newspaperman and author, best known outside Canada for co-authoring The Rebel Sell, with Joseph Heath, and for his 2010 book, The Authenticity Hoax.

Ann Rockley

It is a beginner's guide to understanding the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA), an XML-based architecture for authoring, producing, and delivering information.

Bernard Eastlund

His later work included co-authoring two papers in the Astrophysical Journal regarding pulsars, and he also presented a paper on Gamma Bursters.

Bill Danoff

Danoff also worked with Emmylou Harris co-authoring "Boulder to Birmingham" (one of Harris' better known compositions) with her.

Bonnie and Terry Turner

Between 1987 and 1995, they were responsible for authoring or screenwriting six films, including Coneheads, Wayne's World, Wayne's World 2, Tommy Boy, and The Brady Bunch Movie.

Claudius Crozet

Authoring textbooks on highway, railroad and aqueduct design, his 1848 map of the entire state was the first since the one prepared by Peter Jefferson, father of Thomas Jefferson, over a century earlier.

Connie Saltonstall

Saltonstall cited Stupak's authoring of the anti-abortion Stupak–Pitts Amendment to the proposed Affordable Health Care for America Act, as well as Stupak's disagreement with changes made to the amendment by the U.S. Senate.

DreamFactory Software

DreamFactory™ is the namesake of the proprietary authoring software Appleton developed during his tenure as president of Cyberflix.

Edmund Skellings

Skellings' system of organizing text on a color monitor led to the publication of a color authoring system entitled Electric Poet by International Business Machines Inc. in 1984 and a further product entitled Easy Street by McGraw-Hill.

Fabien Chéreau

Fabien Chéreau (born 17 September 1980 in Villefranche-sur-Saône, France) is a French Research Engineer and computer programmer best known for authoring the planetarium software Stellarium, a free, open source astronomy software package which renders 3D photo-realistic skies in real time.

Feliks Konarski

A deciding point was encountering Konrad Tom, who helped Konarski begin authoring poems and songs, as well as suggesting the "Ref-Ren" stage pseudonym.

Franklin Lacey

He was best known for co-authoring the book for The Music Man (1957), together with his collaborator Meredith Willson, and later collaborating on the screenplay for the 1962 film version.

Gerolamo Araolla

Araolla was an important poet, authoring verses in Italian, Sardinian and Spanish, the three dominate languages in Sardinia in the period.

Heidar Arfaa

Senator Arfaa is most notable for authoring legislation of the White Revolution concerning Land Reform, Privatization of Government Enterprises, Women's Suffrage, Nationalization of Forests and Pasturelands, and Profit Sharing for Industrial Workers.

Henry Wood Elliott

He became involved in early conservation efforts of the fur seal, in 1905 co-authoring a document with United States Secretary of State John Hay that would eventually become the North Pacific Fur Seal Convention of 1911, the first international treaty dedicated to the conservation of wildlife.

Ibrahim Qashoush

During the 2011 Syrian uprising, Qashoush was noted for singing and authoring songs mocking Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and the ruling Ba'ath party.


The most commonly used authoring tools for creating interactivities include Harbinger's Elicitus and Articulate's Engage.

John Lizars

Besides authoring an early work on the dangers of tobacco, The Use and Abuse of Tobacco, Lizars published a number of important and beautifully illustrated anatomical texts in the early nineteenth century.

John Pascal

Mr. Pascal was a novelist, as well, authoring such books as The Strange Case of Patty Hearst, The Jean Harlow Story, and Marilyn Monroe: The Complete Story of Her Life, Her Loves and Her Death.

Lou Waters

Waters recently turned to writing after authoring a book about San Francisco radio legend Bobby Dale.

Lunar plaque

James C. Humes, a speech writer for President Nixon and four other presidents, is partly credited for authoring the text on the Apollo 11 lunar plaque.

Mallory Reaves

Most recently, she became a published novelist, co-authoring The Silver Dream with Michael Reaves and Neil Gaiman.

Marilyn Berger

Berger reported that Richard Nixon White House staffer Ken Clawson had bragged to her about authoring the Canuck Letter, a forged letter to the editor of the Manchester Union Leader that played a large part in ending the campaign of Senator Edmund Muskie.

Masaru Kaneko

He is best known for appearance in TV shows such as Sunday Morning or Asamade nama terebi and authoring several books and newspaper articles.

Media Lovin' Toolkit

An XML authoring schema designed to leverage the full capabilities of the system

Melissa Panarello

In 2003 she became famous for authoring the erotic novel, 100 colpi di spazzola prima di andare a dormire (translated into English by Lawrence Venuti as One Hundred Strokes of the Brush Before Bed, 2004).

Michael Kiesling

He is best known for co-authoring the board game trilogy Tikal, Java and Mexica with Wolfgang Kramer.


The Open Architecture for XML Authoring and Localization (OAXAL) represents a comprehensive, efficient, and cost-effective model regarding the authoring and translation aspects of XML publishing.

Paul Kay

He is currently working on an extension of Construction Grammar called Sign-Based Construction Grammar, authoring a book on this topic with Charles J. Fillmore, Ivan Sag and Laura Michaelis.

Paul R. Hill

In the immediate post war period Hill made a number of significant contributions to the development of ram jet technology, including establishing and supervising the Wallops Island ram jet test flight programme and authoring the first NACA technical paper on ram jet technology.

Peg Leg Joe

Peg Leg Joe is widely credited for authoring the song "Follow the Drinkin' Gourd", which was supposedly about his working the fields in Whynott, Indiana.

Petru Dugulescu

Born in Chelmac, Arad County, Dugulescu graduated from the Baptist Theological Seminary in Bucharest, and became a pastor, while authoring works of Christian poetry.

Richard A. E. North

North has written about and commented on climate change from a sceptical position, including co-authoring (with Christopher Booker) Climategate to Cancun: The Real Global Warming Disaster Continues..., the followup to Booker's The Real Global Warming Disaster.

Richard Ulrich

He is best known for co-authoring the board game El Grande with Wolfgang Kramer.

Sam Aleckson

Sam B. Aleckson (1852–1914) was an American slave, known for authoring Before the War and After the Union: An Autobiography.

The Interactive Encyclopedia System

A later version of HyperTIES for the Sun workstation was developed using the NeWS window system, with an authoring tool based on UniPress's Gosling Emacs text editor.

Tony Cliff

As well as authoring many articles on social questions for the groups' publications, she was an activist in the National Union of Teachers until her retirement.

Transient lunar phenomenon

The term was created by Patrick Moore during his co-authoring of NASA Technical Report R-277 Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events, published in 1968.

William Woodard

In Japan, he showed an interest in Japanese religion, co-authoring with Motonori Ono Shinto: The Kami Way.

Yonah Martin

Martin distinguished herself by authoring the motion that led on 5 November 2013 to the suspension of her colleagues Senators Patrick Brazeau, Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin.

Yuri Rubinsky

SoftQuad developed and sold a variety of SGML tools, such as Author/Editor, and notably one of the first commercial HTML authoring products, HoTMetaL.

see also