Originally this was believed to be a naturally formed lava tube cave and interpreted as possibly the place of Chicomoztoc, the place of human origin according to Nahua legends.
In Aztec mythology, the Quinametzin Giants populated the world during the previous era of the Sun of Rain (Nahui-Quiahuitl).
These myths are chosen from all across the world including Babylonian, Judeo-Christian, Aztec, Maori, Ancient Egyptian, Australian Aboriginal, Nordic, Hellenic, Chinese, Japanese, and other traditions.
"The Stinking Corpse" is an Aztec myth that tells of the body of a giant, killed by the Toltecs, which released a stench that would kill anyone that smelled it.
Xelhua is one of the seven giants in Aztec mythology who escaped the flood by ascending the mountain of Tlaloc in the terrestrial paradise, and afterwards built the Great Pyramid of Cholula.
Greek mythology | Norse mythology | Aztec | Roman mythology | mythology | Irish mythology | Hindu mythology | Jupiter (mythology) | Venus (mythology) | Phoenix (mythology) | Mercury (mythology) | Japanese mythology | Welsh mythology | Titan (mythology) | Mars (mythology) | Diana (mythology) | Celtic mythology | Aztec Camera | Slavic mythology | Mythology | Janus (mythology) | Egyptian mythology | Vulcan (mythology) | Pan (mythology) | Neptune (mythology) | Greek Mythology | Christian mythology | Chinese mythology | Aztec mythology | Sin (mythology) |
Filmed under a blue filter and set within a wooded glade during the night, the plot revolves around a clown, Pierrot, his longing for the moon (in which a rabbit lives - a concept found in both Japanese and Aztec mythology), and his futile attempts to jump up and catch it.
Moon rabbit, or Yutu in Chinese, a rabbit that lives on the Moon in East Asian folklore and Aztec mythology