
100 unusual facts about Mars

1952 in the United States

March 22 – Wernher von Braun publishes the first in his series of articles entitled Man Will Conquer Space Soon!, including ideas for manned flights to Mars and the Moon.

A Very Potter Musical

Draco attempts to intimidate Harry by claiming that he will transfer to a prestigious wizarding academy on Mars called Pigfarts, but Hermione threatens him and forces him to back off.

A Wizard of Mars

Young Wizards Kit Rodriguez and Nita Callahan become part of an elite team investigating the mysterious, long-sought 'message in the bottle' that holds to the first clues to the long-lost inhabitants of Mars.

Aban, Russia

The name Aban has been used for a crater on the planet Mars by the International Astronomical Union, although not specifically commemorating the village.

Achar, Uruguay

The name Achar has been used for a crater on the planet Mars by the International Astronomical Union, although not specifically commemorating the village.

Aki, Kōchi

The name Aki has been used for a crater on the planet Mars by the International Astronomical Union, although not specifically commemorating the city.

Alcohol during and after prohibition

The nation was highly optimistic and the leading prohibitionist in the United States Congress confidently asserted that "There is as much chance of repealing the Eighteenth Amendment as there is for a hummingbird to fly to the planet Mars with the Washington Monument tied to its tail.

Alex Deakin

In a number of segments during the show he gave reports on the type of weather that is experienced on Mars.

Aquio River

It has a registered sister river on the Cydonia region of Mars, and the native people have always been very proud of this status.

Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences

It contains the W.M. Keck Laboratory for Planetary Simulation, which is used primarily for the study of Mars, asteroids and Titan.

Arranged marriage in the Indian subcontinent

Horoscope becomes a determining factor if one of the partners is Mângalik (lit., negatively influenced by Mars).

Artaxias III

They gave Germanicus and Drusus Julius Caesar ovations in entering the city and arches bearing their statues to be erected on either side the temple of Mars the Avenger.

Beethoven quadrangle

Geologic evidence for the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of Mercury is less complete than for the Moon and Mars, for which orbiting spacecraft and landers have provided total or near-total coverage and high-resolution images.

Blue Sky on Mars

The cover of the album features an image by Viking 1, the first spacecraft to land on Mars; the album's liner notes include additional imagery of the planet's landscape as taken by the spacecraft on July 20, 1976.

Carroll Bierman

Gallahadion paid $72.40 on a $2 bet for winning the "Run for the Roses" in the colors of Ethel V. Mars, heiress to the Mars Candy fortune.

Caverns of Mars

Using a joystick, the player controls a ship descending into the tunnels of Mars, firing at targets along the way.


Although there are considerable differences between terrestrial and Martian geology, some features on Mars are also believed to be evaporite basins, and consequently share at least some features of chotts.

Cosmic Circle of Fellowship

After leaving prison, with flying saucers suddenly in the news, Ferguson reported he had travelled astrally to Mars, telling his few followers that Mars was about to send a friendly expedition to the earth.


The north pole of Mars points to the midpoint of the line connecting Deneb and the star Alderamin.

Devon Island

On July 16, 2013, the Canadian Space Agency assigned Canadian astronaut Jeremy Hansen to a secondment with the Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration of the University of Western Ontario at Haughton Crater in preparation for a potential future manned exploration of Mars, the Moon or the asteroids.

Dust storm

Dust storms are not limited to Earth and have been known to form on other planets such as Mars.

Earth 2150

The objective of the game is to collect enough resources to build an Evacuation Ship, allowing the player's people to journey to Mars and escape the looming apocalypse - foreshadowing Earth 2160.

Emmanuel Liais

He made astronomical observations of Mars and in 1865 speculated that the dark albedo features were vegetation and not water (in fact, as we know today, they are neither).


The game takes place in outer space, specifically near Earth, Mars, Saturn, and asteroids, but gravity functions as it would on earth.

Eugene F. Lally

Lally published initial papers with spacecraft designs to explore the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, comets, asteroids, solar system escape probe, earth satellites including Direct TV.

Fantastic Four: The End

Susan's brother Johnny Storm (the Human Torch) is a strike-force leader for the Avengers, while Ben Grimm (the Thing) lives with his wife Alicia Masters and their three children on Mars.

Gaston Millochau

From 1899 until 1903 he observed Mars at the Meudon Observatory and reported some details visible on its surface.


Such CRSs may include both other terrestrial systems and those for non-terrestrial coordinates such as those on the Moon or Mars.


They have also found use in such extreme environments as the deep sea floor, and the surfaces of the Moon and Mars.

Haegemonia: Legions of Iron

Haegemonia takes place in the distant future where humanity has colonized the solar system and tensions are high between the World Government of Earth and colonial Mars.

Heinlein juveniles

The Mars of several of the books (Red Planet, Between Planets, The Rolling Stones, and Time for the Stars) has indigenous, intelligent (even dangerous) life, but not necessarily the same Martians in each book.

Heinrich Louis d'Arrest

In 1864 D'Arrest made an unsuccessful search for Martian satellites, and posited an upper limit of 70 minutes of arc as the distance from Mars within which a moon should be sought.

Hidden Universe 3D

High-resolution images of space allow moviegoers to explore the earliest galaxies, watch stars being born in vivid clouds of gas and dust, tour the surface of Mars and witness images of distant celestial structures including stunning views of the Sun.

J B Khot High School

They are closely followed by the Martian high school, Mars.

Jean Price-Mars

Jean Price-Mars (15 October 1876 – 1 March 1969), born in Grande Rivière du Nord, was a Haitian teacher, diplomat, writer, and ethnographer.


According to The Chessmen of Mars, Jetan was said to represent an ancient war between the Yellow and Black races of Barsoom.

Justice League Heroes

However, the League realize it has been upgraded; capable of breaking Earth's orbit, the missile has actually been fired at Mars in an effort to free the White Martians, who will invade Earth upon being rewoken.

K. R. Sridhar

The Laboratory was asked by NASA to undertake research into how life could be made sustainable on Mars.

Kaleidoscope Century

The narrator Joshua -- at first appearing to be just over 60 years old, wakes up May 27, 2109 in an apartment on human-settled Mars.


Kohir, Zaheerabad, Bidar, and neighbouring places brings to mind the Red Planet, and the land is usually red roads, red stones on streets with red houses made of red soil and black soil in agriculture land.

Kronid Lyubarsky

He was also working in the Soviet program of interplanetary exploration of Mars.

Laurence Bergreen

In 2007, Bergreen was asked by NASA to name some geological features surrounding the Victoria crater on Mars, based on places Ferdinand Magellan visited.

Lego Mars Mission

It is set on Mars and features astronauts, aliens, and high-tech machinery.

Lisa Hayes

When the SDF-1 was trapped on Mars by gravity mines, Lisa set the power generators of Sara Base to overload.

Lise de Baissac

Her SOE dossier states "She was the inspiring-force for the groups in the Orne, and through her initiatives she inflicted heavy losses on the Germans thanks to anti-tyre devices scattered on the roads near Saint-Aubin-du-Désert, Saint-Mars-du-Désert, and even as far as Laval, Le Mans and Rennes. She also took part in armed attacks on enemy columns."

Mars Hills

The name was proposed in 1977 by New Zealand geologist Christopher J. Burgess in association with the Viking Hills and because of the color resemblance to that of the planet Mars.

Mars Saga

The player takes the role of Tom Jetland, a down-on-his-luck space traveller trapped on Mars after crashing his ship.

Mars: The Home Front

The concept of the Martians of Wells and Burroughs coexisting (and fighting) on the same fictional Mars was also used in Larry Niven's 1999 novel Rainbow Mars and briefly indicated in Ian Edginton's 2006 comic Scarlet Traces: The Great Game.

Marshawn Lynch

After Lynch was shown eating the candy during a nationally-televised game on December 5, 2011, Mars offered him a two-year supply of Skittles and a custom dispenser for his locker.

Martialis heureka

The genus name therefore refers to the planet Mars, alluding to the strange characteristics that seem to come out of nowhere, the species epithet is from Ancient Greek ηὕρηκα "I found it", echoing Archimedes' famous exclamation was meant to epitomize the troubles involved in the rediscovery of the species after the first specimen discovered in a soil sample was lost.

Maurice Limat

Maurice Limat published science fiction novels such as Les Fiancés de la Planète Mars The Fiancés of Planet Mars (1936) and Les Naufragés de la Voie Lactée The Castaways of the Milky Way (1939), with a style that was reminiscent of the type of science fiction published before or just after World War I.

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Astray

Lowe is effectively removed from the story in the first chapter of Destiny Astray where he begins a long journey to Mars.

Musashimurayama East High School

In 1994, Masanori Hirasawa, a teacher at the school, found an asteroid orbiting between Mars and Jupiter (1994WQ12) and named it 7892 Musamurahigashi, after the school name.


Consequently, the emphasis of production shifted away from chocolate (where Cadburys, Rowntrees and Mars dominated) towards sweets.

Northwest Passage

The Moon-1 was being ferried to the Haughton-Mars Project Research Station on Devon Island, where it now serves as a simulator of future pressurized rovers to be used by astronauts on the Moon and Mars.

Odyssey 5

However, during the series, another group of Synthetics are discovered to be from Mars and that in the original timeline, all the Synthetics created by humanity are destroyed by a satellite designed for that purpose by a cabal within the US government.

Organic compound

Mellitic acid, which contains no C-H bonds, is considered a possible organic substance in Martian soil.

Pao Tcheou

The Pao Tcheou series was massive in its scope, spanning all of the Earth and beyond, including a journey to Mars.


Many scientists are actively engaged in the search for unicellular life within the solar system, carrying out studies on the surface of Mars and examining meteors that have fallen to Earth.


This helps him begin to understand and learn the languages of the planet of Malacandra (Mars) in the first book, Out of the Silent Planet

Pierre Nothomb

He also dabbled in science fiction, as evidenced by his 1922 novel La Rédemption de Mars concerning two astronauts visiting Mars.

Planet Stories

Both writers set many of their stories on a romanticized version of Mars that owed much to the Barsoom of Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Polonia brothers

Killer piranhas, killer Easter bunnies, haunted houses, trips to Mars, assorted demons, all were covered in the course of several decades of film-making.


During the first decade of the 20th Century Bogdanov wrote two works of utopian science fiction about socialist societies on Mars, both of which were rejected by Lenin as attempts to smuggle "Machist idealism" into the radical movement.

Quamzin Kravshera

He was immediately dispatched to Mars in a plot to disable the Macross while she was landed and taking supplies from an abandoned U.N. Spacy base on the planet.

Quantum Apocalypse

During routine administration at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Dr. Rhodes discovers that a comet has suddenly veered off its orbit and smashed into Mars.

Real freedom

Real freedom is, then, a matter of degree — one is more or less really free, not just either really free or not; and no-one has complete real freedom — no-one is really free to teleport to Mars, for instance.

Reclaimed water

In 1998, NASA announced it had built a human waste reclamation bioreactor designed for use in the International Space Station and a manned Mars mission.

Red Planet

Red Planet is a nickname for the planet Mars, due to its surface color.


In addition to globes of Earth, Replogle also makes globes of Venus, Mars, the moon, and the celestial sphere.

Ride Report

It proposes some new missions, such as a cometary mission, an extended Cassini mission (including three probes; one for the study of the atmosphere of Saturn, one atmospheric Titan probe and one to land on Titan) and a Mars sample return mission.

Robert Lusser

Based on these calculations, he was to pronounce that von Braun's ambitions of reaching the Moon and Mars were doomed to failure because of the complexity of the spacecraft required.

Rover Environmental Monitoring Station

Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) is a weather station on Mars for Curiosity rover contributed by Spain and Finland.

San Rafael Swell

Part of the Swell has geographic features that resemble Mars.

Scott J. Horowitz

On one of his space shuttle flights as commander, he had the Mars Society's Martian flag hoisted up a mast out of the space shuttle payload bay, and flew the shuttle under the flag of Mars.

Shang Dynasty

Other advances included the invention of many musical instruments and observations of Mars and various comets by Shang astronomers.


mother, respected even by the greatest of rulers, feared by the most violent of fighters.They never saw Mangal (Planet Mars), but knew it was Red, they


As was standard practice, as revealed by inscriptions, the Romans matched their deities with local Silurian ones, and the local deity Ocelus was identified with Mars, the Roman god of war.


Some articles are tagged with longer tags, such as whatcouldpossiblygowrong (expressing the perception of catastrophic risk), suddenoutbreakofcommonsense (used when the community feels that the subject has finally figured out something obvious), correlationnotcausation (used when scientific articles lack direct evidence; see correlation does not imply causation), or getyourasstomars (commonly seen in articles about Mars or space exploration).


Brian Cox's BBC series Wonders of the Solar System saw a scientist examining snottites in the caves and positing that if there is life on Mars, it may be similarly primitive and hidden beneath the surface of the Red Planet.

SOLO – The Series

The web series tells the saga of a very unlikely reality star, Scott Drizhal (Jonathan Nail), who is sent to Mars as part of a reality series created by mega-producer, Jack Spratt (Jay Caputo).

St Mark's Clock

The relative positions of five planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury) were shown, as were the moon's phases and the position of the Sun in the zodiac.

Take On Mars

In Take On Mars, the player operates a variety of Mars landers and rovers.

Tars Tarkas

In Kage Baker's novel The Empress of Mars, human colonists on Mars have a Christmas-like celebration, and a settler appears costumed as "Uncle Tars Tarkas", giving gifts to children as if he were Father Christmas or Santa Claus.

Tars Tarkas is the first Barsoomian John Carter encounters when he appears on Mars.

The Hybrid Front

In recent years, they developed Mars (with PETO trying spark a series of civil wars on that planet) and maintain a corporate hegemony over the Earth.

The Last Halloween

Four aliens - Gleep (Paul Williams), Romtu (Don Messick), Scoota (Frank Welker), and Bing (Frank Welker) have been sent to Earth from the planet Mars in order to find a rare material known as "coobi" (which is later revealed to be candy).

The War of the Worlds: Next Century

The film starts with the arrival of a more advanced civilization from Mars which purports to have a friendly attitude towards Earthlings.

Therese Coffey

On graduation in 1997 she joined Mars, Incorporated in Hampshire as a chemist, later training as a Chartered Management Accountant, rising to hold the position of Finance director for Mars Drinks UK.

Timothy Brinton

Sometimes cited as a British parallel to Orson Welles's radio production of The War of the Worlds, Alternative 3 purported to be an investigation into Britain's contemporary "brain drain." Alternative 3 was supposedly a plan to relocate a cross section of Earth's scientific and philosophical population to Mars in the event of climate change or some other planetary catastrophe.

Triple point

The triple point pressure of water was used during the Mariner 9 mission to Mars as a reference point to define "sea level".

UFO: Aftershock

A sequel and third game in the series was released two years after Aftershock titled, UFO: Afterlight, to execute the same concept on Mars.

Valeri Polyakov

In doing so, he wished to prove that humans could be physically capable of working on the surface of Mars after a long-duration transit phase.

Vanna Bonta

In 2013, a haiku by Vanna Bonta was among top three selections to be launched to the planet Mars on a NASA spaceship for the MAVEN mission.


Volcanoes have indeed been clearly observed on other bodies in the solar system – on some, such as Mars, in the shape of mountains that are unmistakably old volcanoes (most notably Olympus Mons), but on Io actual ongoing eruptions have been observed.


In Transformers: The Reign of Starscream #4 Arcee returns to Cybertron from Mars by hiding in the landing gear of Starscream's ship.

Wonders of the Solar System

The final installment covers life surviving in extreme environments, and how the search for life on other worlds follows the search for water, focusing on Mars, and on Jupiter's moon Europa.

The third episode looks at the atmosphere of the planets and moons of the Solar System, with Earth, Mars, and Titan being the main focus.


Yardangs on Mars are typically found in the Amazonis region but the best ones are found in the equatorial region.

Yun Gi-Su

1/1/1 (born January 1st 1) is a Marsn sprint canoer who competed in the late 1980s.


In this world, Jupiter became a fixed star and the homeland of mankind is Mars instead of Earth.

Beagle 2

After landing on Mars, it was revealed it was destroyed by a Decepticon 13 seconds after being activated.

Bobak Ferdowsi

Adam Steltzner, lead engineer of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover Entry, Descent and Landing phase

Carl Otto Lampland

Together with William Coblentz, he measured large differences between the day and night temperatures on Mars which implied a thin Martian atmosphere.

Catherine Cate Coblentz

Mrs. Coblentz published a poem on Mars in Popular Astronomy magazine in 1924, the same year that her husband was measuring the temperature of Mars at the Lowell Observatory.


Chotts have also been studied because they are believed to be an Earth analogue to similar features on the planet Mars.


Mars cycler (or Earth-Mars cycler), a spacecraft trajectory that encounters Earth and Mars on a regular basis, or a spacecraft on such a trajectory

David J. Eicher

The asteroid, a main belt object in orbit between Mars and Jupiter, was discovered by astronomer Brian A. Skiff at Lowell Observatory’s Anderson Mesa Station in 1984 and the citation was proposed and written by astronomer David H. Levy.

Edwin Lester Arnold

Marvel Comics did a brief comic version of Gullivar of Mars during the early 1970s, possibly as a reaction to DC gaining the rights to publish Burroughs' John Carter during this time.

Emi Koussi

One of the most important morphological differences between volcanoes on Mars and Earth is the widespread furrowing of the surface due to flowing water on terrestrial volcanoes.


Borders were reinforced by immigrants, trying to escape the Federation, from other planets such as Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

Forrest Mars, Jr.

The ex-couple made significant contributions to the privately owned governing body for Fort Ticonderoga, though a falling-out between Executive Director Nicholas Westbrook and Mrs. Mars led to her resignation from the board and the end of the then-couple's financial support.

Henri Joseph Anastase Perrotin

Perrotin crater on Mars has been named in his honor, as has asteroid 1515 Perrotin.

Joseph Epping

He discovered the table of differences for the new moon in one of the tablets, and identified Guttu with Mars, Sakku with Saturn, and Te-ut with Jupiter (Epping and Strassmaier in Stimmen aus Maria-Laach, vol. 21, pp. 277–292).

Kurd Lasswitz

His first published science fiction story was "Bis zum Nullpunkt des Seins" ("To the Zero Point of Existence", 1871), depicting life in 2371, but he earned his reputation with his 1897 novel Two Planets, which describes an encounter between humans and a Martian civilization that is older and more advanced.

Manned Venus Flyby

As a "Plan B" in case the proposed Inspiration Mars fly-by of Mars missed its 2018 launch window, in November 2013 Dennis Tito proposed a different mission architecture whereby the mission craft would first fly-by Venus, using Venus in a gravitational slingshot to speed the craft's onward journey to Mars.

Mars 2018 mission

ExoMars, a robotic mission to Mars under development by the European Space Agency

Mars Attacks Judge Dredd

IDW had run a series of Mars Attacks! variant covers on their titles to promote a January 2013 crossover, one of which was their Judge Dredd ongoing: one of the Martians being menaced by Dredd, drawn by Greg Staples.

Mars family

Forrest E. Mars, Jr. (born August 16, 1931) – son of Forrest E. Mars, Sr.

Mars Music

The Mars Music e-commerce division, marsmusic.com, co-sponsored Metallica's Summer Sanitarium Tour in the summer of 2000, including online fan chats and a live concert webcast.

Martian Child

Martian Child is a 2007 American comedy-drama film about a writer who adopts a strange young boy who believes himself to be from Mars.


Nilo Syrtis, a region just north of Syrtis Major Planum on Mars

North American DC-3

By about 1970 these had settled on the near-term launching of a 12-man space station in 1975, expanding this to a 50-man "space base" by 1980, a smaller lunar-orbiting station, and then eventually a manned mission to Mars in the 1980s.


The name Oodnadatta has been used as a name for a crater on the planet Mars.

Paul Wittich

Renowned anti-Copernican adherents of the Capellan planetary model included Francis Bacon, inter alia, and this model appealed to those who accepted Ptolemy's purely geocentric model was refuted by the phases of Venus, but were unpersuaded by Tychonic arguments that Mars, Jupiter and Saturn also orbited the Sun in addition to Mercury and Venus.

Perfetti Van Melle

Perfetti Van Melle bills itself as the third largest confectionery manufacturer in the world after Kraft Foods (owners of Cadbury) and Mars, Incorporated (owners of Wrigley).

Rob Watts

He has interviewed many musicians and personalities such as Trespassers William, Mugison, The Mars Patrol and Kay Hanley.


It was referred to Sanj as a military-musical-instrument, was used by the legendary Iranian king, Q-mars, and it was favourite King Key-Kavus and the Hero Rostam.

Stuart Broomer

As a pianist, he is best known for playing in the jazz trio "Broomer, Mars & Smith" in the 1970s and later the duo "Stuart Broomer & John Mars" during the 1980s, both of which included compositions by Broomer in their repertoire.


Tharks, a tribe of creatures on the fictional planet of Barsoom, created by Edgar Rice Burroughs for the 1917 novel A Princess of Mars

The Computer Museum, Boston

Possibly the first-ever digital image was acquired from Jet Propulsion Labs, consisting of hand-assembled colored strips of line-printer output from the Mariner 4 Mars probe (1965).

Timekeeping on Mars

For the Mars Pathfinder, Mars Exploration Rover, Phoenix, and Mars Science Laboratory missions, the operations team has worked on "Mars time", with a work schedule synchronized to the local time at the landing site on Mars, rather than the Earth day.


One of these inscriptions suggests that ‘Veraudunus’ may have been an epithet of the important Treveran god Lenus Mars.

Wilmer Herrison

This exhibition shows like in a travelogue, the deities (with Pachamama, Malku,...), the history of the Amerindian peoples (with Aymara, Tiwanaku,...), the encounter with different civilizations (with Gallia, Bandera, July 14, Ottoman Remembrance, Murano, Arica,...), strength of nature (with Volcano, Hurricane, Naturaleza viva, Twilight with color, Reflection,...) and project ourselves into the universe and its origins (with Exoplanet, Mars, Sedna,...).