
9 unusual facts about BRUTUS


Being bent on vengeance against Brutus for killing Ephiny, she believes an Amazon Queen should be prepared to fight and kill her enemies.

Cursor Mundi

He explains in an elaborate prologue how folk desire to read old romances relating to Alexander the Great, Julius Cæsar, Troy, Brutus, King Arthur, Charlemagne etc., and how only those men are esteemed that love "paramours".

Fulchran-Jean Harriet

A student of David, he won the Prix de Rome in 1793 with "Brutus, killed in battle, is brought back to Rome", and in 1798 with a painting on the theme of "Battle of the Horatii and the Curiatii".

History of suicide

The Caesarean assassins Brutus and Cassius, for example, killed themselves after their defeat at the battle of Philippi.

James Tunstall

‘Epistola ad virum eruditum Conyers Middleton,’ (1741) an attack on the life of Cicero by Conyers Middleton that questioned the genuineness of Cicero's letters to Brutus, which Middleton had accepted without reserve.

John Toland

He would later write that he had been baptised Janus Junius, a play on his name that recalled both the Roman two-faced god Janus and Junius Brutus, reputed founder of the Roman republic.

Matala, Crete

One of the caves is called "Brutospeliana" because according to the legend it was frequented by the Roman general Brutus.

Moses Dobruška

The new name derived from Junius from the Roman Junii-family that fostered the famous tyrant slayers the Brutus', and Frey being the German transliteration for "liberty".

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He also appears in the film's fictional live-broadcast play Rohkea Roomalainen (The Brave Roman - actually, a fragment of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar) as Brutus.

42 BC

Marcus Livius Drusus, Roman nobleman and supportor of Brutus (suicide)

After October 23Porcia Catonis, wife of Brutus (suicide) (approximate date) (b. c. 70 BC)

Asterix and Son

Brutus and the prefect of Gaul may be caricatures of Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon, and the prefect cross-dressing is then a reference to the movie Some Like it Hot, in which they star.

Basil Gill

In 1926, Gill appeared in two short films made in the DeForest Phonofilm sound-on-film process, Santa Claus as the title character, and Julius Caesar as Brutus.


AI researcher Selmer Bringsjord made betrayal the core of a storytelling program BRUTUS.

Brian Twyne

Oxford's contention was that it had originally been established at Cricklade (or "Greeklade") by Trojans and some Greek philosophers under the leadership of Brutus after the Trojan War.

Brutus Buckeye

Brutus appears in the NCAA Football series and NCAA March Madness series of video games as a mascot and has his own mascot team.

Brutus J. Clay

Brutus Junius Clay (July 1, 1808 – October 11, 1878) was a U.S. Representative from Kentucky, and a son of Green Clay.

Brutus of Troy

The Historia Britonum states that "The island of Britain derives its name from Brutus, a Roman consul" who conquered Spain.

A variant version of the Historia Britonum makes Brutus the son of Ascanius's son Silvius, and traces his genealogy back to Ham, son of Noah.

Early translations and adaptations of Geoffrey's Historia, such as Wace's Norman French Roman de Brut, Layamon's Middle English Brut, were named after Brutus, and the word "Brut" came to mean a chronicle of British history.

Charles Austen

After transferring to the Endymion he helped in the driving into Hellevoetsluis of the Dutch ship of the line Brutus.

Claudia Pulchra

When Claudia's father was accused of bribery by Publius Cornelius Dolabella in 50 BC, Brutus was part of the faction that helped have him acquitted.

This marriage was very useful to Claudia's father as Brutus was very wealthy and it allied him with the leader of Optimates, Cato the Younger, who was Brutus' uncle.

Cremna, Pisidia

It was first taken by Amyntas, commander of the Galatian auxiliary army of Brutus and Cassius, who became king of Galatia and Pisidia on going over to the side of Mark Antony.

Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus

In Allan Massie's 1993 book entitled Caesar, Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus narrates his story and reason for joining in Caesar's assassination while being held captive by the Gallic chief.

Dennis Brutus

Born in Harare, Zimbabwe (then Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia), to South African parents, Brutus was of indigenous Khoi, Dutch, French, English, German and Malaysian ancestry.

Edward Loomis Davenport

As Bill Sikes he was especially successful, and his Sir Giles Overreach, a role he played at Daly's Fifth Avenue Theatre in 1869, and Brutus were also greatly admired.


The 8th century Nennius' Historia Brittonum makes mention of Francus as one of the four sons of Hisicion (Francus, Romanus, Alamanus, and Brutus), grandsons of Alanus, the first man to live in Europe.

Herodian kingdom

After Julius Caesar was murdered in 44 BCE, Quintus Labienus, a Roman republican general and ambassador to the Parthians, sided with Brutus and Cassius in the Liberators' civil war; after their defeat Labienus joined the Parthians and assisted them in invading Roman territories in 40 BCE.

Jim Koehler

During this time he also expanded his team to include Brutus, owned and driven by Chris Bergeron.

John Sheffield, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby

He introduced choruses between the acts, two of these being written by Pope, and an incongruous love scene between Brutus and Portia.

Junius Brutus Stearns

Junius Brutus Stearns (born Lucius Sawyer Stearns) (1810, Arlington, VT — 1885, Brooklyn, NY ) was an American painter best known for his five part Washington Series (1847–1856).

Llywelyn the Last

In an emotional reply, which has been compared to the Declaration of Arbroath, Llywelyn said he would not abandon the people whom his ancestors had protected since "the days of Kamber son of Brutus".

Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus

The 1st-century senator and historian Aulus Cremutius Cordus, glorified Brutus and Cassius in his history and described those who fought alongside Caesar’s assassins as the "last of the Romans".

Overthrow of the Roman monarchy

In the alternative version, Lucretia summoned Lucius Junius Brutus (a leading citizen, and the grandson of Rome's fifth king Tarquinius Priscus), along with her father Spurius Lucretius Tricipitinus, another leading citizen Publius Valerius Publicola, and her husband Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus (also related to Tarquinius Priscus) to Collatia after she had been raped .

Phillip Brutus

Phillip J. Brutus (born November 26, 1957, in Port-au-Prince) is a former member of the Florida House of Representatives.

Publius Volumnius

Volumnius accompanied Brutus on his fateful campaign to the East, which culminated in Brutus' suicide after his defeat by the Triumvirs in the Second Battle of Philippi (October 23, 42 BC).

Quintus Labienus

After Brutus and Cassius fled east to Macedonia and were defeated there in the Battle of Philippi by Caesar's imperialist successors (the Second Triumvirate, particularly Mark Antony and Caesar's heir Octavian, the future emperor Augustus), Labienus joined the Parthians.


Servilia Caepionis (107-42 BC), mistress of Caesar and mother of his assassin, Marcus Junius Brutus

Sir John Wynn, 5th Baronet

On his death the Wynn baronetcy became extinct and the ancient House of Aberffraw (which claimed direct descent from Rhodri Mawr ap Merfyn in the late 9th century and through him to the legendary line of Brutus) was left without known male issue.

Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus

Brutus and the other assassins locked themselves inside it after murdering Caesar.

Texan brig Potomac

The Texas Navy was officially formed in January 1836, with the purchase of four schooners: Invincible, Brutus, Independence, and Liberty.

Texan schooner Brutus

Upon returning to sea duty, Brutus found herself blockaded at Matagorda by the Mexican brig Vencedor del Álamo.

The ships, running low on water, started back to Galveston, but not before Brutus captured Rafaelita on 17 August and blockaded Matamoros.

The Born Loser

Taller than Brutus, with blond hair, she's rather similar to Edith "Dingbat" Bunker.

The Jolly Boys

The current touring band mixes three of the original members (Minott, Bennett and Henry) with three younger members (Dale Dizzle Virgo on drums & percussions; Lenford “Brutus” Richards on banjo; and Harold Dawkins "Jah T" on guitar).

Walter Zwolinski

Formed in 1969, Brutus consisted of Zwol as vocalist, Tom Wilson as bassist, Michael Magann on trumpet, Lance Wright on drums, Sonny Wingay on guitar, and Bill Robb on sax and trombone.


WFRD features regular syndicated shows as part of its weekend lineup, including "The House of Hair" with Dee Snider Saturday nights, "Harddrive" with Lou Brutus on Saturday mornings, as well as "Racing Rocks" with Riki Rachtman Sunday mornings, "Out of Order" hosted by Jed the Fish on Saturday mornings, as well as Skratch 'N Sniff, a syndicated show featuring "Mashups" on Saturday nights.

What I Believe

Dante places Brutus and Cassius in the lowest circle of Hell because they had chosen to betray their friend Julius Caesar rather than their country Rome.

see also