
unusual facts about Baa Atoll

Baa Atoll

Olhugiri is well known for its unique natural vegetation and for providing two of the only perching sites for the Great Frigatebird in the Maldives.

Aima of the Maldives

His father was Volumidi Bodu Kilege (Dhivehi: ވޮލުމިދި ބޮޑުކިލޭގެ) of Fehendu and his mother was Bulhaa (lit. Cat) Kabaaidhi Kilege (Dhivehi: ބުޅާ ކަނބައިދި ކިލޭގެ) or Hirirashu Kabaaidhi Kilege (Dhivehi: ހިރިރަށު ކަނބައިދި ކިލޭގެ).

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