
3 unusual facts about Babrius

An ass eating thistles

One is the four-line poem of Babrius about a fox who asks an ass how it can eat thorns with such a soft mouth, which is listed as 360 in the Perry Index.


Tyrwhitt (De Babrio, 1776) followed up the researches of Bentley, and for some time the efforts of scholars were directed towards reconstructing the metrical original of the prose fables.

La Fontaine's Fables

The first six books, collected in 1668, were in the main adapted from the classical fabulists Aesop, Babrius and Phaedrus.


Babrius |

Johann Georg Baiter

He edited Isocrates, Panegyricus (1831); with Sauppe, Lycurgus, Leocralca (1834) and Oratores Atticae (1838–1850); with Orelli and Winckelmann, a critical edition of Plato (1839–1842), which marked a distinct advance in the text, two new manuscripts being laid under contribution; with Orelli, Babrius, Fabellae Iambicae nuper repertae (1845); Isocrates, in the Didot collection of classics (1846).

see also