Niobe, the protagonist of Piers Anthony's novel With a Tangled Skein, must solve the twelve-coin variation of this puzzle to find her son in Hell: Satan has disguised the son to look identical to eleven other demons, and he is heavier or lighter depending on whether he is cursed to lie or able to speak truthfully.
New Balance | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo | Timothy Parker (puzzle designer) | puzzle | Earth in the Balance | Balance of Power | Puzzle video game | puzzle video game | Puzzle | John Balance | balance of power | Worldwar: In the Balance | Workâlife balance | Wii Balance Board | The New York Times crossword puzzle | jigsaw puzzle | Balance Point | Balance of power (parliament) | Balance of Power (computer game) | World Puzzle Championship | Puzzle Quest | Puzzle Play | Puzzle (Narnia) | Puzzle (Kanjani Eight album) | Principal balance | Nintendo Puzzle Collection | monkey puzzle | Microsoft Entertainment Pack: The Puzzle Collection | mechanical puzzle | Jigsaw puzzle |