In Kamen Rider Fourze, the character Kou Tatsuragi (also known as the Leo Horoscopes) uses a pair of walnuts as Baoding balls.
Open Season 3 (2010) Scruffy is seen using Baoding balls several times throughout the movie.
Boyz n the Hood (1991) features a scene where Laurence Fishburne is seen using Baoding balls.
base on balls | Great Balls of Fire | Ed Balls | Baoding | Balls to Picasso | Balls of Steel | The Secret Policeman's Balls | Balls of Steel Australia | Balls Head Bay | The Secret Policeman's Balls#VII:The Secret Policeman’s Biggest Ball | She's Got Balls | Sandy Balls | No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls | Latimer Clear Cups And Balls | Guys and Balls | Great Balls of Fire! (film) | Great Balls of Fire! | Bowling Balls | Base on balls | Balls Out |