He called a meeting in Teaneck, New Jersey, at the house of one of the families, and this small group of parents, including Ruth C. Sullivan (first president of the ASA), became the nucleus that founded the Autism Society of America.
Scientists such as Bernard Rimland and Leo Kanner challenged Bettelheim's view of autism by arguing that autism is a neurodevelopmental issue.
Hoffer and Humphry Osmond, who developed the hypothesis that schizophrenia is caused by the endogenous production of an epinephrine (adrenaline) based hallucinogen, were called before the Committee of Ethics of the American Psychiatric Association to explain why they were publicizing a treatment, called xenobiotic psychiatry by Bernard Rimland, which was considered outside of standard psychiatric practice.
Many articles and books published in that era blamed autism on a maternal lack of affection, but by 1964, Bernard Rimland, a psychologist who had a son with autism, published a book that signaled the emergence of a counter-explanation to the established misconceptions about the causes of autism.
George Bernard Shaw | Bernard of Clairvaux | Bernard Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein | Bernard Madoff | Bernard-Henri Lévy | Bernard Haitink | Bernard Berenson | Bernard Hopkins | Bernard Cornwell | St. Bernard | Bernard Montgomery | Bernard Herrmann | Bernard | Bernard Malamud | Bernard Baruch | Bernard Kouchner | Bernard Hinault | Bernard Comrie | Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research | Bernard Edwards | Bernard Devauchelle | Bernard Tschumi | Bernard Maybeck | Bernard Lonergan | Jean-Bernard Pommier | Émile Bernard | Bernard Tapie | Bernard Cribbins | Bernard Bertossa | Tristan Bernard |