
5 unusual facts about Bernard Stewart

Bernard Stewart

Bernard Stewart, alias used by Ernie O'Malley (1897–1957), Irish Republican Army officer, upon his capture

Lord Bernard Stewart (1623–1645), Scottish aristocrat and Royalist commander in the English Civil War

Bernard Stewart, 4th Lord of Aubigny

On 24 May 1495 he arrived in the port of Messina in Sicily, only to find that Ferdinand had already crossed over into Calabria with an army and had reoccupied Reggio.

Stewart received orders from Charles VIII to lead one thousand of the king's cavalry over the Alps and into Lombardy and after taking part with Charles in the conquest of Romagna accompanied him in the triumphal entry into Florence on 15 November 1494.

William Dunbar

His allegory The Thrissil and the Rois commemorated the marriage of Margaret of England to King James IV in 1503 while the "Eulogy to Bernard Stewart, Lord of Aubigny" welcomed the arrival of a distinguished Franco-Scottish soldier as the French ambassador in 1508.

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