
2 unusual facts about Biblioteca Nacional

Joaquín García Monge

He was the director of Costa Rica's Biblioteca Nacional from 1920 to 1936 and had considerable influence over the education system of the country during his lifetime.

Juan Martínez de Ripalda

The following are in manuscript: "De visione Dei" (2 vols.); "De praedestinatione"; "De angelis et auxiliis"; "De voluntate Dei" preserved in the University of Salamanca; "Discurso acerca de la ley de desafío y parecer sobre el desafio de Medina Sidonia a Juan de Braganza", preserved in the Biblioteca Nacional.

José Mariano Elízaga

In 1823 he published his Elementos de música in Mexico city, a copy can be found in the Biblioteca Nacional in Mexico.

see also

Antonio Roque Gobbo

His collectioon reached a peak or around 4800 items, and so he decided to create the "Biblioteca Nacional de Histórias em Quadrinhos"(National Library of Comic Books), which existed between 1987 and 1992 in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.

Gibiteca Antonio Gobbo

The Gibiteca Antonio Gobbo was founded in 1992 from the donation of the "Biblioteca Nacional de Histórias em Quadrinhos - BNHQ" (National Comics Library), private collection of Antonio Roque Gobbo.