
2 unusual facts about Big Five

Personality and life outcomes

Recent research demonstrates that personality trait levels may predict relationship quality in dating, engaged, and married couples via measures of the Big Five, self-reported measures of personality traits and relationship quality by participants in romantic relationships, partner-reported measures of participating partner's personality traits and relationship quality, physiological measures, and ratings of relationship quality by a qualified observer.

The Lil' Five

The Lil' Five is a South African graphic novel/comic series about the Big Five as young kids who get involved in various adventures.

Baptist Foundation of Arizona

Arthur Andersen, the Big Five accounting firm that audited Enron, paid former BFA investors $217 million for Andersen's failure to identify fraudulent activities at the BFA.

Evaluative diversity

The Agreeableness and Openness dimensions of Big Five personality scales are measures of evaluative preference.

see also

Big Five personality traits

Recent work has found relationships between Geert Hofstede’s cultural factors, Individualism, Power Distance, Masculinity, and Uncertainty Avoidance, with the average Big Five scores in a country.

Deloitte Football Money League

The “Big Five” had total revenue of 8.4 billion euros, a 5 percent increase over 2008-09, according to Deloitte.

Jack Dempsey vs. Tommy Gibbons

Dempsey was a member of the Big Five, alongside Red Grange, Bobby Jones, Bill Tilden and Babe Ruth.

Littleton Coin Company

Sundman and Littleton moved from a concentration upon advertising in magazines targeted to a young male readership to ads in the Sunday supplements inserted into mass circulation newspapers, with one particularly successful campaign which offered 10 free Bohemia-Moravia stamps depicting Adolf Hitler ultimately distributing half a million sets, boosting the company's mailing list, and cementing Littleton's place as one of the "Big Five" American stamp dealers of the day.


As part of the show's concept, Pinoy Big Brother: Double Up's Big Five housemates were told to stay in the House for a few more weeks.

Michael Ausiello

Ausiello contributed to the website's weekly podcast, TV Guide Talk and the weekly TV Guide Channel program The 411 with a five-minute segment entitled "The Big Five", where he commented on the top five entertainment industry stories of the week.

Only child

In his book Born to Rebel, Frank Sulloway provides evidence that birth order influences the development of Big Five personality traits.


Abe Saperstein (1902–1966), founder and coach of the Savoy Big Five, which later became the Harlem Globetrotters.

Yueh-Ting Lee

Dr. Lee’s Daoist (Taoist) Big-Five model has been studied both in China and in the USA, and can be applied to social, counseling/clinical, and industrial/organizational psychology.

Zaki Nassif

He was one of the Big Five who contributed material to Radio Orient and Radio Liban in the 1950s (among whom were Halim El Roumi, father of Magida El Roumi, and Tawfic al Basha, Phélémone Wehbé, etc.).