The Biketawa Declaration takes its name from the Kiribati islet of Biketawa, where negotiators met behind closed doors in order to draft the agreement.
Declaration of Independence | United States Declaration of Independence | Universal Declaration of Human Rights | Declaration of Pillnitz | Balfour Declaration | Potsdam Declaration | Philippine Declaration of Independence | Albanian Declaration of Independence | Joint Declaration | Israeli Declaration of Independence | Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | declaration of independence | Balfour Declaration of 1926 | Virginia Declaration of Rights | Limehouse Declaration | Humanity Declaration | Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen | Declaration of Indulgence | Declaration of Independence (United States) | Declaration of Independence of Ukraine | Declaration of Independence (Israel) | Declaration of Breda | Declaration | declaration | Balfour declaration | Unilateral Declaration of Egyptian Independence | Trumbull's Declaration of Independence | ''Signing of the Declaration of Independence'' | Saint Petersburg Declaration of 1868 | Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence |