Lamont enjoyed some success with the club, guiding them to promotion in 1979–80 and a place in the quarter-finals of the 1980–81 Scottish Cup.
Stan Greening was developing an engine specifically for speedway but the results were not impressive after testing by Australian riders Billy Lamont and Vic Huxley.
Billy Joel | Billy Wilder | Billy Crystal | Billy Bob Thornton | Billy Taylor | Billy Hart | Billy Connolly | Billy Bragg | Billy Idol | Billy Cobham | Billy Preston | Billy Ray Cyrus | Billy Graham | Billy Eckstine | Billy Budd | Billy the Kid | Billy Sunday | Billy Mitchell | Billy Zane | Billy Squier | Billy Martin | Billy Corgan | Billy Ocean | Billy Joe Shaver | Billy Meredith | Billy West | Billy Hughes | Billy Elliot | Billy Daniels | Norman Lamont |