
unusual facts about Blót


The German historian Thietmar, Count of Merseburg wrote that the Daner had their main cult centre on Zealand at Lejre, where they gathered every nine years and sacrificed 99 people but also horses, dogs and hens.


Because the Lord promised to "blot out the name" of Amalek (Exodus 17:14), it is customary when the book of Esther is read at the Purim festival, for the audience to make noise whenever "Haman" is mentioned, so that his name is not heard.


Unfortunately, although the visually attractive chimney has been removed, the visually offensive derelict sixties-style block buildings, several storeys in height, are still standing, ungraciously draped with green netting, as a blot on the landscape.

Castle Mill

Oxford University donors, such as Michael Moritz, and the University's Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Andrew Hamilton, have also been targeted with letters by the protesters, warning that the buildings "blot out the unique view of Oxford's Dreaming Spires from Port Meadow".

Marie Winn

Winn is the author of the influential The Plug-In Drug (1977), an often scathing critique of television's addictive influence on the young, Winn wrote, "The television experience allows the participant to blot out the real world and enter into a pleasurable and passive mental state."

Mary Williamson Averell

But many today would regard it as a serious blot on her reputation that she heavily funded the Eugenics Record Office.

National Union of School Students

With a grant from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the union published the magazine Blot which featured the early work of the cartoonist Steve Bell.

Nuclear run-on

About 106 Cell nuclei are isolated and incubated with labeled nucleotides and genes in the process of being transcribed are detected by hybridization of extracted RNA to gene specific probes on a blot.

Phantom Blot

The Phantom Blot later appeared in a short featured on Mickey Mouse Works, based on the comic strips in which he first appeared in, titled "Mickey Foils the Phantom Blot" and originally broadcast on November 7, 1999.

Reverse phase

Reverse phase protein lysate microarray, a micro-cell lysate dot-blot that allows measurement of protein expression levels

Reverse phase protein lysate microarray

Reverse phase protein array (RPPA) is a protein array designed as a micro- or nano-scaled dot-blot platform that allows measurement of protein expression levels in a large number of biological samples simultaneously in a quantitative manner when high-quality antibodies are available.


As Jacob Grimm pointed out, the serving of a boar's head at banquets and particularly at Queen's College, Oxford may also be a reminiscence of the Yule boar-blót.

see also