
unusual facts about nucleotide


The model of Hm 50S determined in 2000 by Nenad Ban and colleagues in the laboratory of Thomas Steitz includes 2711 of the 2923 nucleotides of 23S rRNA, all 122 nucleotides of its 5S rRNA, and structure of 27 of its 31 proteins.


ARL4D is closely similar to ARL4A and ARL4C and each has a nuclear localization signal and an unusually high guanine nucleotide exchange rate.

Cape serotine

A close relative of human Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus has been found in the nucleotide sequence of Neoromicia zuluensis.

Complex vertebral malformation

This causes abnormal nucleotide-sugar transport into the Golgi apparatus, leading to malformations of the vertebral column.

Delma molleri

The nucleotide (DNA/RNA) and protein sequences of D. molleri have been sourced through the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) and Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) databases.


Diarylpyrimidines (DAPY) and diaryltriazines (DATA) are two closely related classes of molecules resembling the pyrimidine nucleotides found in DNA.

Epidendrum radicans

A biochemical examination (Pinheiro & al., 2009) of the lacerate Schistochila subsections encompassing plastid nucleotide sequence data from the trnL—trnF regions, Amplified Fragment Length Polyorphism (AFLP) data, and somatic chromosome number for 30 individuals in three of the thirteen recognized species of E.

GWAS Central

It was first released in August 1998, focusing on providing a centralized collection of known human single nucleotide polymorphisms and other simple DNA variants.

Hairpin ribozyme

The structure and activity of the hairpin ribozyme has been explored using a wide range of complementary experimental methods, including nucleotide replacement, functional group substitution, combinatorial selection, fluorescence spectroscopy, covalent crosslinking, NMR analysis and x-ray crystallography.


The 5' end of the genome has a usually genome-linked protein (VPg), or methylated nucleotide cap (in the case of Hepatitis E virus).

Marianne Grunberg-Manago

Almost immediately, Marshall Nirenberg and J. Heinrich Matthaei put it to use to form the first three-nucleotide RNA codons, which coded for the amino acid phenylalanine.

National Cycle Route 11

A section of path, about two kilometres long, from Great Shelford to Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge, is decorated with over 10,000 lines of four colours representing the nucleotide sequence of the BRCA2 gene.

Nuclear run-on

About 106 Cell nuclei are isolated and incubated with labeled nucleotides and genes in the process of being transcribed are detected by hybridization of extracted RNA to gene specific probes on a blot.

Nucleoside analogue

Once they are phosphorylated, they work as antimetabolites by being similar enough to nucleotides to be incorporated into growing DNA strands; but they act as chain terminators and stop viral DNA Polymerase.

Orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase

This bifunctional enzyme is named UMP synthase and it also catalyzes the preceding reaction in pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis, the transfer of ribose 5-phosphate from 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate to orotate to form OMP.


By inhibiting the formation of precursor purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, pemetrexed prevents the formation of DNA and RNA, which are required for the growth and survival of both normal cells and cancer cells.

Phred quality score

Quality scores are normally stored together with the nucleotide sequence in the widely accepted FASTQ format.

Position weight matrix

A PWM has one row for each symbol of the alphabet: 4 rows for nucleotides in DNA sequences or 20 rows for amino acids in protein sequences.

Rossmann fold

The motif is named for Michael Rossmann, who first pointed out that this is a frequently occurring motif in nucleotide binding proteins, such as dehydrogenases.

S-Adenosyl methionine

Methyltransferases are also responsible for the addition of methyl groups to the 2' hydroxyls of the first and second nucleotides next to the 5' cap in messenger RNA.

Sequence logo

In bioinformatics, a sequence logo is a graphical representation of the sequence conservation of nucleotides (in a strand of DNA/RNA) or amino acids (in protein sequences).

Sequencing by ligation

Sequencing by ligation is a DNA sequencing method that uses the enzyme DNA ligase to identify the nucleotide present at a given position in a DNA sequence.

Sequential walking

In a NOESY of DNA, for example, each nucleotide has a different chemical shift associated with it.

Sin Nombre virus

Interestingly, when the prototype sequence (NMH15) of SNV detected in tissues from an HPS case was compared with the sequence of the SNV isolate (NMR11; isolated in Vero E6 cells from Peromyscus maniculatus trapped in the residence of the same case), only 16 nucleotide changes were found, and none of these changes resulted in alterations in amino acid sequences of viral proteins.

see also