
8 unusual facts about Blaise Pascal

Château d'Oiron

In the mid 17th century, Charlotte Gouffier became enamored with the renowned intellect, Blaise Pascal (1623–62), who spent considerable time at the Château d'Oiron.


Her surname is most likely a reference to the 17th century French mathematician Blaise Pascal.

IP Pascal

IP Pascal implements the language "Pascaline" (named after Blaise Pascal's calculator), which is a highly extended superset of ISO 7185 Pascal.

Jia Xian

Jia Xian invented the Jia Xian triangle around the first half of the 11th century, about six centuries before Pascal.

John Dugmore of Swaffham

Sometimes he sketches a strange architecture or an historical place, for instance the cell in the Great St. Bernard Hospice where Napoleon slept during the cross of the Alps (1800) or the Clermont Castle, former residence of Blaise Pascal.

Louis-Isaac Lemaistre de Sacy

At his brother's death (1658), Louis-Isaac then began with his friends at Port-Royal (including Blaise Pascal, Robert Arnauld d'Andilly, Pierre Nicole, and Pierre Thomas) a revision of his Biblical translation, complete with additional books, Greek texts, and the New Testament.

Takashi Nagai

One of his professors spoke about the philosopher and scientist Blaise Pascal, quoting a sentence from the Pensées: "Man is only a reed, the weakest thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed."

Une petite française

She confides that she is no Marilyn, she never reads about her own life in the magazines, she doesn't own a Rolls, she doesn't consider herself an idol, she hasn't read Pascal, she rarely visits Paris, she hasn't changed her name, she leads a quiet provincial life with her children - she just happens to be country girl from Provence who likes to sing.


Other important early aphorists were Baltasar Gracián, François de La Rochefoucauld and Blaise Pascal.

August Neander

In addition to all these he published Denkwürdigkeiten aus der Geschichte des Christentums (1823-1824, 2 vols., 1825, 3 vols., 1846); Das Eine und Mannichfaltige des christlichen Lebens (1840); papers on Plotinus, Thomas Aquinas, Theobald Thamer, Blaise Pascal, John Henry Newman, Blanco White and Thomas Arnold, and other occasional pieces (Kleine Gelegenheitsschriften, 1829), mainly of a practical, exegetical and historical character.

Christian De Sica

With his father's help, he was able to take his first steps in the movie world with such teachers and mentors as Roberto Rossellini (Blaise Pascal, 1971), Vittorio De Sica himself (Una breve vacanza, 1973), Pupi Avati (Bordella, 1976) and Salvatore Samperi (1979 Liquirizia and 1981 Casta e pura).

Denis Vrain-Lucas

In 1861 Vrain-Lucas approached French mathematician and collector Michel Chasles and sold him forged letters for Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton and Blaise Pascal.

Hydraulic head

Pascal first qualitatively observed these effects in the 17th century, and they were more rigorously described by the soil physicist Edgar Buckingham (working for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)) using air flow models in 1907.

Paul Vitz

The thesis of Faith of the Fatherless holds that famous believers—e.g., Blaise Pascal, Edmund Burke, Friedrich Schleiermacher, Karl Barth, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer—had strong and loving fathers, whereas their atheistic counterparts—e.g., Thomas Hobbes, Voltaire, Sigmund Freud, Mao Zedong, and Adolf Hitler—all had fathers who were weak, unloving, or absent.

see also