Pet Shop Boys | Little Shop of Horrors | Little Shop of Horrors (musical) | The Body Shop | Future Shop | Little Shop | body double | Quasi-judicial body | The Shop Girl | The Old Curiosity Shop | The Little Shop of Horrors | Stop & Shop | Jennifer's Body | Electronic body music | body | Our Favourite Shop | I Sing the Body Electro | Fisher Body | Body of Proof | Automobile repair shop | Rock Your Body | electronic body music | coffee shop | Body of Christ | Body art | Bath & Body Works | The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince | Shop 'n Save | record shop | Need New Body |
Influenced and inspired by Anita Roddick, the founder of the Body Shop, the company, and the charitable trust (The Naturesave Trust) were set up by ex-Lloyd’s insurance broker Matthew Criddle, on the premise that probabilistic assessments of the future would become harder to establish as global warming and climate change directly affect the insurance industry’s ability to meet climate related insurance losses.