
2 unusual facts about Bolognese

Ballet master

Jean Coralli (1779–1854), Ballet master of the Ballet du Théâtre de l'Académie Royale de Musique from 1831-1850 who was born Jean Coralli Perecini in Paris of Bolognese parents.

Pietro del Po

The sources indicate that he was a student of Domenichino, but direct contact with the Bolognese artist is now disputed.

Antonio Maria Valsalva

The wear of this material that followed possibly inspired the work of the Bolognese school of wax modeling and the artists Ercole Lelli and Giovanni and Anna Morandi Manzolini.

Bologna School of music

They include Cazzati, Perti, G. B. Vitali, Torelli and Corelli (who had Bolognese links although he mainly worked in Rome); the school is associated with sacred music and particularly with the rise of the instrumental concerto and sonata, including music for trumpet and strings, a Bolognese speciality.

Filippo Scannabecchi

His father was Dalmasio Scannabecchi (sometimes referred to as pseudo-Dalmasio), a Bolognese painter from a minor noble family who migrated to Pistoia during a period of Guelph rule in Bologna.

Gaddi Torso

The sculpture appears on a pedestal, among other vestiges of shattered Classical pagan culture, in the Adoration of the Shepherds that was painted in 1515 by the Bolognese painter Amico Aspertini, now in the Uffizi.

Giuseppe Torelli

Giuseppe's brother, Felice Torelli, was a Bolognese painter of modest reputation, who went on to be a founding member of the Accademia Clementina.

House of Bentivoglio

It included the tomb of Anton Galeazzo Bentivoglio by Jacopo della Quercia and the Bentivoglio family's own private chapel, the altar of which has some striking artwork by Lorenzo Costa depicting family victories over other Bolognese dynasties.


In the garden annexed to the church is a precious Pietà in terracotta of late-15th century Bolognese or Faenza school.

Paris de Grassis

During his lifetime the family would rise in status from its professional roots in the law faculty at the University and in the College of Notaries to fill important offices in the Bolognese senate, as well as in the Bolognese church and at the papal court.

Pelagio Palagi

His formation and first works overlapped with the arrival of the Napoleonic troops in the city; thanks to the request of his mentor, who was a member of the Senate and representative of the Bolognese provisional government, Palagi desgigned uniforms, medals, and emblems with the symbols of Liberté, égalité, fraternité to be used in letters and cards for the Directory.

Pope Gregory XV

He was influential in bringing the Bolognese artist Guercino to Rome, a landmark in the development of the High

Roberto Roversi

In 1973-1976, Roversi wrote lyrics for three albums by fellow Bolognese musician Lucio Dalla: Il giorno aveva cinque teste, Anidride solforosa and Automobili, the latter under the pseudonym Norisso.

Tribuna of the Uffizi

Designed by Bernardo Buontalenti for Francesco I de' Medici in the late 1580s, the most important antiquities and High Renaissance and Bolognese paintings from the Medici collection were and still are displayed here.

see also