
5 unusual facts about Borneo Company Limited

Borneo Company Limited

Its first manager in Sarawak was a Dane, Ludvig Verner Helms, who had been trading there on his own account since 1852.

Its directors were Robert Henderson (of R.& J.Henderson, Glasgow merchants), John Charles Templer (friend of James Brooke), James Dyce Nicol, John Smith, Francis Richardson, and John Harvey (the latter two of MacEwan & Co. in Singapore).

Borneo Company Limited, formed in 1856, is one of the oldest companies based in East Malaysia (Sarawak and Sabah).

Ludvig Verner Helms

Ludvig Verner Helms (1825 - 1918) was a trader and merchant associated with the Far East, especially the Borneo Company in Sarawak.

White Rajahs

They allowed the Borneo Company Limited (the Borneo Company) to assist in managing the economy.

see also