
unusual facts about Bring–Jerrard normal form

1972–73 New York Islanders season

The only legal way to keep the Raiders out of the Coliseum was to get an NHL team to play there, so William Shea, who had helped bring the New York Mets to the area a decade earlier, was pressed into service once again.

2012–13 ECHL season

After not holding its All-Star Game and Skills Challenge for 2011-12, the ECHL will bring it back for this season, holding it on January 23 at Budweiser Events Center in Loveland, Colorado, home of the Colorado Eagles.

Alan M. Powell

His close association with NASCAR has allowed him to bring talented performers to the arena, such as Tyrese Gibson.

André Ruellan

In the sequel, Ortog, and his friend Zoltan, embark on an Orpheus-like quest through the dimensions of Death to find Kalla’s soul and bring her back to Earth.

Ashes to Ashes

It is based on scriptural texts such as "Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return" (Genesis 3:19), and "I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee" (Ezekiel 28:18).


He stated the night prior to June 21 involved mostly planning, including food arrangements, how to get his guitar to the apartment ("one of the old Communist towers on Karl Marx Allee"), and how he would be "going down and up five flights of stairs on the hour" to bring guests up to their room.

Bonnie Henrickson

Kelly Schumacher grabbed an offensive rebound and scored to bring the lead back to five points and the team held on for the win.

Bowers Museum

The museum has cultivated partnerships with the Smithsonian, the Nanjing Museum, the Shanghai Museum, and the British Museum, among others, to bring national and international exhibitions from the world's greatest museums to Southern California.

Briankle Chang

He is considered the first scholar to bring to bear the ideas of Jacques Derrida on the field of communication studies.

Chū Kudō

In 1942, he held secret meetings with Fumimaro Konoe and others in the upper levels of the Japanese government who hoped to bring a quick end to the Second Sino-Japanese War and an armistice with Kuomintang.

Count Johann Hartwig Ernst von Bernstorff

Ever since the conclusion of the Great Northern War, Danish statesmen had been occupied in harvesting its fruits, namely, the Gottorp portions of Schleswig definitely annexed to Denmark in 1721 by the Treaty of Nystad, and endeavouring to bring about a definitive general understanding with the House of Gottorp as to their remaining possessions in Holstein.

Crawley Development Corporation

Electricity provision was the responsibility of parish councils and local electricity providers such as SEEBOARD, but the Development Corporation set up a committee to bring them all together and ensure the town's needs were met efficiently.

Dallas Spirit

It was intended to bring as much publicity to the city as the Spirit of St. Louis did earlier in the year with Charles Lindbergh's solo transatlantic crossing.

Daniel Burges

On 18 September 1918 at Jumeaux, in the Balkans, valuable reconnaissance of the enemy front line trenches enabled Lieutenant Colonel Burges to bring his battalion, without casualties, to the assembly point, but later while some distance from the objective they came under severe machine-gun fire.

Djakarta Artmosphere

Djakarta Artmosphere slowly attempts to bring back the foundations of the spirit of equality in diversity using Music and Photography media.

Eduardo Mondlane

One of António de Oliveira Salazar's most important advisers, Adriano Moreira, a political science professor who had been appointed to the post of Portugal's Minister of the Overseas (Ministro do Ultramar), met Mondlane at the United Nations when both were working there and, recognizing his qualities, tried to bring him to the Portuguese side by offering to him a post in Portuguese Mozambique's administration.

Eugenio Montejo

International interest in Montejo's poetry grew after his poem "La Tierra Giró para Acercarnos" ("The Earth Turned to Bring Us Closer") was used in the film 21 grams by feted Mexican director Alejandro González Iñárritu.

European Seal of e-Excellence

As such, it was an answer to the so-called "European paradox", a term coined in a European Commission Green Paper in 1995 and referring to the often encountered inability of Europe to bring (excellent) research and scientific results to the markets.

Fowey railway station

The railway was then converted into a private road to bring china clay from Par harbour.

Giovanni Gronchi

It was marked by the ambition to bring about a gradual “opening to the left”, whereby the Socialists and the (still Stalinist) Communist Party would be brought back into the national government, and Italy would abandon NATO, becoming a non-aligned country.

Hoffmann H40

Hoffmann intended this aircraft to compete with sporting two-seaters such as the Grob G 115 and Robin ATL, but was unable to find the financial backing to bring the aircraft to market, despite a 30% share bought in the project by German pump manufacturer ABS.

I Am One

"I Am One" features a doubled guitar solo - a technique later used on Pumpkins songs like "Ava Adore", "Tarantula", and "Bring the Light".

Jack Griffin

Jack Griffin is the Founder and President of Empirical Media, an advisory firm that he established in 2011 with partner Jim Friedlich, to bring strategic and operating counsel to media and marketing services companies and executives.

Jalari in corto

The film international festival, Jalari in Corto, was born in the summer of 2004 from an idea of the youth of the Cultural Environment Ethnographic "Jalari" Andrea and Italian, in order to promote, raise awareness and bring the art of cinema and in general the communicative power of artistic expression with as many people as possible through short films and meetings with authors, actors and critics.

Jeremy Grantham

He has stated his opposition to the Keystone Pipeline on the basis of the ruinous environmental consequences that its construction will bring to Alberta and to the entire planet due to the contribution that burning the extracted oil would make to climate change.

Juan Ferrara

Due to the novela's overwhelming popularity in Puerto Rico, the network decided to bring Ferrara back in 1985, to film a telenovela called Tanairi.

Kali Gwegwe

He is also reputed to have been the first Nigerian to bring a youth team from Europe (Holmlia Sports Club of Oslo, Norway) to participate in a local football competition in Nigeria.

Käte Bosse-Griffiths

She helped bring Sir Henry Wellcome's Egyptian collection, at the time held in storage, to the Department of Classics at Swansea, and would spend the next twenty years researching this 5,000 piece collection.

Lanskaya electric substation

4 August, 1951 in 1 hour and 30 minutes electric power dispatcher gave command to bring the current in the contact network of the first electrified in the Karelian Isthmus area Leningrad - Zelenogorsk.

Lightnin' Hopkins

In 1959, Hopkins was contacted by folklorist Mack McCormick who hoped to bring him to the attention of the broader musical audience which was caught up in the folk revival.

Luis García Sanz

It was further underlined by the song frequently sung in his honor, to the tune of "You Are My Sunshine": "Luis García, he drinks Sangria/he came from Barça to bring us joy!/He's five-foot seven, he's football heaven/So please don't take our Luis away!"

Margaret Heffernan

Examining examples of willful blindness in the Catholic Church, the SEC, Nazi Germany, Bernard Madoff’s investors, BP’s safety record, the military in Afghanistan and the dog-eat-dog world of subprime mortgage lenders, the book demonstrates how failing to see—or admit to ourselves or our colleagues—the issues and problems in plain sight can ruin private lives and bring down corporations.

Multi-Touch Collaboration Wall

For instance, the user could bring up the total delegate counts for Senators Barack Obama (D-IL) and Hillary Clinton (D-NY) during the 2008 US Democratic primary race.

Ogmund Crouchdance

In 1261 he was one of the leaders of the Norwegian delegation who took princess Ingebjørg Eiriksdotter, the daughter of Eric IV of Denmark, out of the convent in Horsens (dominikanerkloster ved Horsens) to bring her to Norway as the bride of the king's son, Magnus Håkonsson.

Percy Chen

He and Mok Ying-kwai also tried to bring the comfort mission from Canton to Hong Kong in support of the Tung Tau Tsuen fire victims in 1951.

Peter Trynchy

Fort McMurray MLA Adam Germain was the first member to bring up a question regarding Sandstar paving his driveway on November 1, 1994.

Police accountability

The 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act authorized the United States Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division to bring civil ("pattern or practice") suits against local law enforcement agencies, to reign in abuses and hold them accountable.

Rock of Gibraltar

General Elliot, afterwards Lord Heathfield, who commanded the garrison throughout the siege, was anxious to bring flanking fire on the Spanish batteries in the plain below the North face of the Rock.


Student Career Experience Program, the United States Office of Personnel Management's (OPMs) program to bring experienced students into new government careers.

Spectrum Pharmaceuticals

Allergan has invested money in 2008 to help develop this medication further and bring it to the market.

SportAccord World Mind Games

The World Mind Games were initiated by SportAccord, the umbrella organisation for international sports federations and organisers of sports events, in order to bring these sports closer to a worldwide public.

Suresh Kalmadi

Mr Kalmadi, asf the Indian Olympic Association, signed an agreement to bring the Formula One Grand Prix to India in 2007.

Sustainability metrics and indices

Following the Brundtland Commission's report, one of the first initiatives to bring scientific principles to the assessment of sustainability was by Swedish cancer scientist Karl-Henrik Robèrt.

Temple of Isthmia

Furthermore, future excavations may be able to uncover more evidence on the temples relation to Doric architecture and so overall bring together a clearer picture of the changes that occurred as Greece moved on from the Iron Age into the Classical period.

The Big Green Egg

The mushikamado first came to the attention of the Americans after World War II when US Air Force servicemen would bring them back from Japan in empty transport planes.

Three-state solution

Daniel Pipes describes the “Jordan-Egypt option” as “a uniquely sober way” to bring peace.

Timeline of LiveJournal

This results in the entire site being unavailable for over 24 hours whilst Fitzpatrick and his fellow system administrators work to bring 100 servers back online.

Toni Hoffman

Hoffman faced ridicule for suggesting that his presence was not beneficial and as a last resort chose to bring the matter into the public arena by approaching local MP Rob Messenger.


Yet the proliferation of 20th Century post-modernist views dismissing the transcendentals as a serious area of philosophy did bring forth a number of influential philosophers such as G.K. Chesterton, Edith Stein, C.S. Lewis and Peter Kreeft, whose writings develop and re-propose truth, beauty and goodness as the universal aspirations of humanity, seeking an infinite good.

War of the Twins

Crysania flees when Raistlin rejects her love and makes plans to bring word of the true gods to the people, 200 years before Goldmoon would during the War of the Lance.

see also