
5 unusual facts about Buchwald


Gerhard Buchwald (1920–2009), German medical doctor and vaccination critic

Groß Buchwald, a municipality in the district of Rendsburg-Eckernförde, in Schleswig-Holstein

Nathaniel A. Buchwald (1924–2006), American neuroscientist, educator and administrator

Manuel Buchwald (born 1940), Peruvian-Canadian geneticist and academic

Conrad Ansorge

He was born in Buchwald, Silesia, studied at the Leipzig Conservatory between 1880 and 1882, and under Franz Liszt in Weimar in 1885 and 1886.

Charles Buchwald

Buchwald's parents were August Detlev Friis (von) Buchwald (1830-1906), owner of the estate Friisholt, and Johanne Marie Charlotte von Arenstorff (1847-1901), and he belonged to and old a noble family from Holstein.

Jed Buchwald

Buchwald, together with Jeremy Gray, serves as editor-in-chief of the Springer journal Archive for History of Exact Sciences.

Naomi Reice Buchwald

Judge Buchwald dismissed a lawsuit brought by a consortium of U.S. organic farmers and seed dealers aggrieved by Monsanto's Genetically Modified Organism seeds.

Princess Feodora of Saxe-Meiningen

Feodora Reuss spent her last years at the Sanatorium Buchwald-Hohenwiese, Kowary, near Hirschberg, Silesia; the hospital being close to the home she had made with her husband at nearby Schloss Neuhoff.

Princess Isabella of Denmark

Her godparents were the then-Duchess of Brabant, Princess Alexia of Greece and Denmark, Nadine Johnston, Christian Buchwald, Peter Heering and Marie Louise Skeel.

see also